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I want to try another search.

Johan Fornäs - Defending Culture: Conceptual Foundations and Contemporary Debate

Fornäs, J. (2017). Defending Culture: Conceptual Foundations and Contemporary Debate, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-319-86256-9

Jutta Virolainen - Participatory turn in cultural policy?

Virolainen, J. (2016). Participatory turn in cultural policy? An analysis of the concept of cultural participation in Finnish cultural policy, Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift, 19(1): 59–77.

Peterson & Kern - Changing highbrow taste: From snob to omnivor

Peterson, R. A., & Kern, R. (1996). Changing highbrow taste: From snob to omnivore, American Sociological Review, 61(5), 900–907.

Charles Taylor - Politics of recognition

Taylor, Charles (1992). Politics of recognition. In Multiculturalism and the politics of difference (pp. 25– 73), ed. Amy Gutmann. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2nd edition ISBN: 9780691037790

Nobuko Kawashima - Audience Development and Social Inclusion in Britain

Kawashima, N. (2006). Audience Development and Social Inclusion in Britain: Tensions, contradictions and paradoxes in policy and their implications for cultural management, International Journal of Cultural Policy 12(1), 55-72.

Nabuko Kawashima - Beyond the division of attenders vs. non-attenders

Kawashima, N. (2000). Beyond the division of attenders vs. non-attenders: a study into audience development in policy and practice, Coventry: University of Warwick. Centre for Cultural Policy Studies. Research papers, Vol.6

Will Kymlicka - Multicultural Citizenship

Kymlicka, Will (1995). Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN: 0198279493

Joppke & Lukes - Multicultural Questions

Joppke, C. and Lukes, S. (eds.) (1999). Multicultural Questions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brian Barry - Culture and Equality

Barry, B. (2001). Culture and Equality: An Egalitarian Critique of Multiculturalism. Cambridge: Polity Press. ISBN: 978-0-7456-2228-6

Ali Rattansi - Multiculturalism: A Very Short Introduction

Rattansi, A. (2011). Multiculturalism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780199546039

Bhiku Parekh - Rethinking Multiculturalism

Parekh, B. (2005). Rethinking Multiculturalism: Cultural Diversity and Political Theory. Macmillan, Red Globe Press (2nd ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4039-4453-5

Anne Phillips - Multiculturalism without Culture

Phillips, A. (2007). Multiculturalism without Culture. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN: 9780691129440

Michael Murphy - Multiculturalism

Murphy, M. (2012). Multiculturalism: A Critical Introduction. Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-26043-5

Claire Bishop - Participation

Bishop, C. (2006). Participation. London: Whitechapel; Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. ISBN 0-85488-147-6 (Whitechapel), ISBN 0-262-52464-3 (The MIT Press)

Leadbeater & Miller - The Pro-Am Revolution

Leadbeater, C., & Miller, P. (2004) The Pro-Am Revolution: How enthusiasts are changing our economy and society. London: DEMOS.

Riie Heikkilä - Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context

Heikkilä, R. (2022). Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-031-18864-0

Mihelj, Leguina & Downey - Culture is digital

Mihelj, S., Leguina, A., & Downey, J. (2019). Culture is digital: Cultural participation, diversity and the digital divide. New Media & Society, 21(7), 1465–1485.

Casemajor, Bellavance & Sirois - Cultural participation in digital environments

Casemajor, N., Bellavance, G., & Sirois, G. (2021). Cultural participation in digital environments: Goals and stakes for Quebec cultural policies, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 27(5), 650–666.

Della Porta & Diani - Social Movements

Della Porta, D., & Diani, M. (2020). Social Movements. An Introduction. Third edition. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-119-16765-5

Klandermans & Roggeband - Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines

Klandermans, B., & Roggeband, C. (Eds.) (2017). Handbook of Social Movements Across Disciplines. Second Edition. Cham: Springer. ISBN: 978-3319977904

Snow, Soule, Kriesi & McCammon - The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements

Snow, D. A., Soule, S. A., Kriesi, H. & McCammon, H. J. (Eds.) (2019). The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Second Edition. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 9781119168560 

Van Dyke & Taylor - The cultural outcome of social movements

Van Dyke, N. & V. Taylor (2019). The cultural outcome of social movements. In: Snow, D. A., Soule, S. A., Kriesi, H. & McCammon, H. J. (Eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Second Edition. (pp. 482–498). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 9781119168560

Rhys Williams - Constructing the public good

Williams, R. H. (1995). Constructing the public good: Social movements and cultural resources. Social Problems 42(1): 124–144.

Bernadette Lynch - Whose cake is it anyway?

Lynch, B. (2011). Whose cake is it anyway? A collaborative investigation into engagement and participation in 12 museums and galleries in the UK. Paul Hamlyn Foundation.

Roued-Cunliffe & Copelandis - Participatory Heritage

Roued-Cunliffe, H. and Copelandis, A. (eds.) (2017). Participatory Heritage. London: Facet Publishing.

Kawashima - Theorising decentralisation in cultural policy

Kawashima, N. (1997), Theorising decentralisation in cultural policy: Concepts, values and strategies, The European Journal of Cultural Policy, 3:2, 341-359, DOI: 10.1080/10286639709358053

Sintomer, Röcke & Herzberg - Participatory Budgeting in Europe

Sintomer, Y., Röcke, A., & Herzberg, C. (2016). Participatory Budgeting in Europe. Democracy and Public Governance. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-4724-6789-8

Bennett - Differing diversities

Bennett, T. (2001). Differing diversities: Transversal study on the theme of cultural policy and cultural diversity. Council of Europe. ISBN 92-871-4649-7

Bonet & Négrier - The end (s) of national cultures?

Bonet, L., & Négrier, E. (2011). The end (s) of national cultures? Cultural policy in the face of diversity. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17(5): 574–589.

Delanty - Cultural diversity, democracy and the prospects of cosmopolitanism

Delanty, G. (2011). Cultural diversity, democracy and the prospects of cosmopolitanism: A theory of cultural encounters. The British Journal of Sociology, 62(4): 633–656.

Lähdesmäki - Rhetoric of unity and cultural diversity in the making of European cultural identity

Lähdesmäki, T. (2012). Rhetoric of unity and cultural diversity in the making of European cultural identity. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18(1); 59–75.

Vertovec - Towards post‐multiculturalism?

Vertovec, S. (2010). Towards post‐multiculturalism? Changing communities, conditions and contexts of diversity. International Social Science Journal, 61(199): 83–95.

Gerhards, Hans & Mutz - Social Class and Cultural Consumption

Gerhards, J., Hans, S. and Mutz, M. (2013) Social Class and Cultural Consumption: The Impact of Modernisation in a Comparative European Perspective. Comparative Sociology, 12(2): 160-183.

O’Brien & Oakley - Cultural Value and Inequality

O’Brien, D. D. & Oakley, K. (2015). Cultural Value and Inequality: A Critical literature Review. Arts & Humanitites Research Council

Brook, O’Brien & Taylor - Inequality talk

Brook, O., O’Brien, D., & Taylor, M. (2019). Inequality talk: How discourses by senior men reinforce exclusions from creative occupations. European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. N/A, 1–16.

Bennett, Savage, Silva, Warde, Gayo-Cal & Wright - Culture, Class, Distinction

Bennett, T., Savage, M., Silva, E.B., Warde, A., Gayo-Cal, M., & Wright, D. (2009). Culture, Class, Distinction. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780415560771

Chan - Social Status and Cultural Consumption

Chan, T.W. (2010) Social Status and Cultural Consumption. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Online ISBN: 9780511712036

Kraaykamp & Van Eijck - The Intergenerational Reproduction of Cultural Capital

Kraaykamp, G. & Van Eijck, K. (2010). The Intergenerational Reproduction of Cultural Capital: A Threefold Perspective. Social Forces, 89 (1): 209-231.

Merli - Evaluating the social impact of participation in arts activities

Merli, P. (2002) Evaluating the social impact of participation in arts activities. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 8(1): 107-118.

Belfiore - Art as a means of alleviating social exclusion

Belfiore, E. (2002) Art as a means of alleviating social exclusion: Does it really work? A critique of instrumental cultural policies and social impact studies in the UK. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 8(1): 91-106.  

Gray - Ambiguity and Cultural Policy

Gray, C. (2015) Ambiguity and Cultural Policy. Nordisk Kulturpolitisk Tidsskrift, 18(1): 66-80.

Conor, Gill & Taylor - Gender and creative labour

Conor, B., Gill, R., & Taylor, S. (Eds). (2015). Gender and Creative Labour. Sociological Review Monograph Series (Vol. 63 S1). Wiley Online Library.

Gill - Cool, creative and egalitarian?

Gill, R. (2002). Cool, creative and egalitarian? Exploring gender in project-based new media work. Information and Communication Studies, 5(1): 70-89.

Gregg - Testing the Friendship

Gregg, M. (2008). Testing the Friendship: Feminism and the Limits of Online Social Networks. Feminist Media Studies, 8(2): 206-209.

McRobbie - Reflections On Feminism, Immaterial Labour and The Post-Fordist Regime

McRobbie, A. (2011). Reflections On Feminism, Immaterial Labour And The Post-Fordist Regime. New Formations, 70(1): 60-76.

Wing-Fai, Gill & Randle - Getting in, getting on, getting out?

Wing-Fai, L., Gill, R., Randle, K. (2015). Getting in, getting on, getting out? Women as career scramblers in the UK film and television industries. The Sociological Review, 63(S1): 50-65.

Bollo et al. - Study on Audience Development

Bollo, A., Da Milano, C., Gariboldi, A., Torch, C., Carnelli, L., Karlsson, G. L., Schiavone, C. and Georgadze, N. (2017) Study on Audience Development - How to place audiences at the centre of cultural organisations. European Comission.

Balling & Kann-Christensen - What is a non-user?

Balling, G., & Kann-Christensen, N. (2013). What is a non-user? An analysis of Danish surveys on cultural habits and participation. Cultural trends, 22(2), 67-76.

Jermyn - Arts and Social Exclusion

Jermyn, H. (2001) The Arts and Social Exclusion: a review prepared for the Arts Council of England. London: Arts Council England

Taylor - Nonparticipation or different styles of participation?

Taylor M. (2016) Nonparticipation or Different Styles of Participation? Alternative Interpretations from Taking Part. Cultural Trends, 25(3): 169-18.

DDCMS - Culture is Digital.

DDCMS (2019) Culture is Digital. London: Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sports

Verboord - Music mavens revisited

Verboord, M. (2019). Music mavens revisited. Comparing the impact of connectivity and dispositions in the digital age. Journal of Consumer Culture, 21(3): 618-637.

Praznik, Kunst & Abbing - Which Side are You On?

Praznik, K., Kunst, B. and Abbing, H. (2022) Which side are you on? Ideas for Reaching Fair Working Conditions in the Arts. IETM, Brussels, December 2022.

Gill & Pratt - In the Social Factory?

Gill, R. & Pratt, R. (2008). In the Social Factory? Immaterial Labour, Precariousness and Cultural Work. Theory, Culture and Society, 25(7-8): 1-30.

Ross - The New Geography of Work

Ross, A (2008). The New Geography of Work: Power to the Precarious?. Theory, Culture and Society, 25(7-8): 31-49.

Kawashima - Planning for Equality?

Kawashima, N. (2004) Planning for Equality? Decentralisation in Cultural Policy. Coventry, UK: University of Warwick, Centre for Cultural Policy Studies

Heiskanen - Decentralisation

Heiskanen, I. (2001) Decentralisation: trends in European cultural policies (Cultural policy Note 9). Strasbourg, Cedex : Council of Europe Publishing. ISBN 978-92-871-4795-0

OECD - Making Decentralisation Work

OECD (2019)  Making Decentralisation Work. A Handbook for Policy-Makers. Paris: OECD Multi-level Governance Studies.

Evrard - Democratizing Culture or Cultural Democracy?

Evrard, Y. (1997) Democratizing Culture or Cultural Democracy?. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 27(3): 167-175.

Brunel - Democratization of Culture

Brunel, B. (2012) Democratization of Culture. Études,  416(5): 617-628.

Hunter, Micklem & Ikin - Cultural Democracy in Practice

Hunter, J., Micklem, D. & Ikin, E. (2018) Cultural Democracy in Practice. Arts Council England

Hadley & Belfiore - Cultural democracy and cultural policy

Hadley, S. and Belfiore, E. (2018) Cultural democracy and cultural policy. Cultural Trends 27(3): 218-223.

Owen - Cultural Democracy Now

Owen, K.  (2022). Cultural Democracy Now: What It Means and Why We Need It. Routledge. ISBN 9781032057842 

Graves - Cultural Democracy

Graves, J. B. (2005). Cultural Democracy: The Arts, Community, and the Public Purpose. University of Illinois Press.ISBN 978-0-252-07208-6

Hargittai - Second-Level Digital Divide

Hargittai, E. (2002). Second-Level Digital Divide: Differences in People’s Online Skills. First Monday, 7(4)

van Deursen, & Helsper - The Third-Level Digital Divide

van Deursen, A.J.A.M. and Helsper, E.J. (2015) The Third-Level Digital Divide: Who Benefits Most from Being Online? Communication and Information Technologies Annual (Studies in Media and Communications, Vol. 10), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 29-52.

Gómez - The third digital divide and Bourdieu

Gómez, D. C. (2021), The third digital divide and Bourdieu: Bidirectional conversion of economic, cultural, and social capital to (and from) digital capital among young people in Madrid. New media & society, 23(9): 2534–2553.

Ragnedda - Conceptualizing Digital Capital

Ragnedda, M. (2018) Conceptualizing Digital Capital. Telematics and Informatics, 35 (8):  2366-2375

DiMaggio & Hargittai - From the “digital divide” to “digital inequality"

DiMaggio, P., & Hargittai, E. (2001). From the “digital divide” to “digital inequality”: Studying internet use as penetration increases. Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, Princeton University, Working Paper #15 

van Dijk - The Digital Divide

van Dijk, J. (2020) The Digital Divide. Polity Press. ISBN 978-1-509-53444-9

Helsper - The Digital Disconnect

Helsper, E. (2021). The Digital Disconnect: The Social Causes and Consequences of Digital Inequalities. SAGE Publications.

Stevenson, Balling & Kann-Rasmussen - Cultural participation in Europe

Stevenson, D., Balling, G., & Kann-Rasmussen, N. (2017). Cultural participation in Europe: shared problem or shared problematisation? International Journal of Cultural Policy, 23(1), 89–106.

» NEW! » Jancovich - The participation myth

Jancovich, L. (2017). The participation myth. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 23(1): 107–121.

Tomka - Audience Explorations

Tomka, G. (2016) Audience Exploarations. Guidebook for hopefully seeking the audience.  Brussels: IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts.

Kemp & Martin Poole - Arts Audiences

Kemp, E. & Martin Poole, S. (2016) Arts Audiences: Establishing a Gateway to Audience Development and Engagement. The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 46 (2): 53-62.

Maitland - A guide to audience development

Maitland, H. (1997). A guide to audience development. London: Arts Council of England.  ISBN 0728707500, 9780728707504

Cuenca-Amigo & Makua - Audience development

Cuenca-Amigo, M. and Makua, A. (2017) Audience development: a cross-national comparison. Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración, 30 (2): 156-172.

Barlow & Shibli - Audience development in the arts

Barlow, M. & Shibli, S. (2007) Audience development in the arts: A case study of chamber music, Managing Leisure, 12 (2-3): 102-119.

Hassan - I liked everything – celebrating new audiences

Hassan, A. (2004) I liked everything – celebrating new audiences. North West: Arts Council England. ISBN 1-901213-14-5

Standing - The Precariat

Standing, G. (2011). The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 978-1-84966-351-9

EENCA - The Status and Working Conditions of Artists and Cultural and Creative Professionals

EENCA (2018) The Status and Working Conditions of Artists and Cultural and Creative Professionals. European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual (EENCA).

Bertacchini, Bravo, Marrelli, & Santagata - Cultural Commons

Bertacchini, E., Bravo,G., Marrelli, M., & Santagata, W. (eds.) (2012). Cultural Commons: A New Perspective on the Production and Evolution of Cultures. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 78100 005 2

Gonzalez - From a given to a construct

Gonzalez, P. A. (2014). From a given to a construct: Heritage as a commons. Cultural Studies, 28(3): 359–390.

Benenson & Stagg - An asset-based approach to volunteering

Benenson, J., & Stagg, A. (2016). An asset-based approach to volunteering: Exploring benefits for low-income volunteers. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 45(1_suppl), 131S–149S.

Hersberger-Langloh, von Schnurbein, Kang, Almog-Bar, García-Colín, &  García - For the love of art?

Hersberger-Langloh, S.E., von Schnurbein, G., Kang, C., Almog-Bar, M., García-Colín, J. B., &  Rey García, M. (2022). For the love of art? Episodic volunteering at cultural events. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 33: 428–442.

Henriette & Copeland - Participatory Heritage

Henriette, R-C. and Copeland, A. (Eds.) (2017). Participatory Heritage. London: Facet Publishing.

Rausch, Benschop, Sitzia & van Saaze - Participatory Practices in Art and Cultural Heritage

Rausch, C., Benschop, R., Sitzia, E. & van Saaze, V. (eds.). (2022). Participatory Practices in Art and Cultural Heritage: Learning Through and from Collaboration. Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-05694-9

Bishop - Artificial hells

Bishop, C. (2012). Artificial hells: Participatory art and the politics of spectatorship. Verso books. ISBN 978-1-84467-690-3

Stickley, Wright & Slade - The art of recovery

Stickley, T., Wright, N. & Slade, M. (2018) The art of recovery: outcomes from participatory arts activities for people using mental health services. Journal of Mental Health, 27 (4): 367-373.

Johanson, Glow & Kershaw - New modes of arts participation and the limits of cultural indicators for local government

Johanson, K., Glow, H., & Kershaw, A. (2014). New modes of arts participation and the limits of cultural indicators for local government. Poetics, 43: 43-59.

Weingartner - Digital omnivores?

Weingartner, S. (2021). Digital omnivores? How digital media reinforce social inequalities in cultural consumption. New Media & Society, 23(11): 3370–3390.

Wright - How culture became digital

Wright, D. (2022). How culture became digital: Editor’s introduction. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 28(7): 777–785.

Valtýsson - Digital Cultural Politics

Valtýsson, B. (2020). Digital Cultural Politics: From Policy to Practice. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-030-35233-2

Hepp - Agency, social relations, and order

Hepp, A. (2022). Agency, social relations, and order: Media sociology’s shift into the digital. Communications, 47(3): 470–493.

Lindgren - Digital Media & Society

Lindgren, S. (2017). Digital Media & Society. London: Sage. ISBN 978-1-4739-2501-4

Navas, López-Rodríguez & Cuadrado - Maintenance and cultural adaptation of different immigrant groups

Navas, M. S., López-Rodríguez, L., & Cuadrado, I. (2013). Maintenance and cultural adaptation of different immigrant groups: Predictor variables. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 29(1): 207-216.

Berry - Intercultural relations in plural societies

Berry, J. W. (2015). Intercultural relations in plural societies. In S. Guo & L. Wong (eds.) Revisiting Multiculturalism in Canada: Theories, Policies and Debates (pp. 37–49). Transnational Migration and Education. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. Online ISBN 978-94-6300-208-0

Gardner - Global Migrants, Local Lives

Gardner, K. (1995) Global Migrants, Local Lives: Travel and Transformation in Rural Bangladesh. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. ISBN: 9780198279198

Yu - Influence of intrinsic culture

Yu, X. (2009). Influence of intrinsic culture: Use of public space by Filipina domestic helpers in Hong Kong. Journal for Cultural Research 13(2): 97–114.

Orum - Circles of influence and chains of command

Orum, A. M. (2005). Circles of influence and chains of command: The social processes whereby ethnic communities influence host societies. Social Forces, 84(2): 921–939.

Myrczik - Tracing digital inequalities

Myrczik, E. et al. (2023) Tracing digital inequalities. Blog entry

INVENT Team - Talking about Culture on Twitter

Ben David, G., Janssen, S., Kim, J., López-Sintas, J., Marquart, F., Nikolić, R., Page Pereira, L., Sirkka, O., Weingartner, S., Yodovich, N. & Zdravković, Ž. (2021) Talking about Culture on Twitter: A comparative analysis of culture-related topics in nine European countries in 2019 and 2020. INVENT REPORT D5.1

INVENT Team - Advocating for culture in turbulent times

Holla, S.M., Sirkka, O., Yodovich, N., Ben David, G., Janssen, S., Karels, A., Myrczik, E., Nikolić, R., Page Pereira, L., López-Sintas, J., Walo, S., Weingartner, S. & Zdravković, Ž. (2022) Advocating for culture in turbulent times: The second yearly report on the data scraping of online content. INVENT REPORT D5.2

INVENT Team - Culture, politics, and the taxpayer’s money

Yodovich, N., Marquart, M., Sirkka, O., Dinić, V., Karels, A., Page Pereira, L., Gelabert, A. S., Walo, S., Zdravković, Ž. & Žunić, I. (2023) Culture, politics, and the taxpayer’s money. Insights from nine case studies on online cultural debates in Europe. INVENT REPORT D5.4

INVENT Team - Digitalization and culture

Nørgaard Kristensen, N., Janssen, S., Myrczik, E. &  Verboord, M. (2022) Digitalization and culture: impacts, practices, and perceptions in nine European countries.

Nørgaard Kristensen - – a digital media platform for engaging audiences in visual arts

Nørgaard Kristensen, N. (2022) – a digital media platform for engaging audiences in visual arts. INVENT Case study

INVENT Team - What does culture mean to Europeans?

Purhonen, S., Sirkka, O., Sivonen, S., Heikkilä, R., Janssen, S. & Verboord, M. (2022)  What does culture mean to Europeans? D3.1 Report on the diverse notions of culture

European Cultural Values

Directorate-General for Communication (2007) Special Eurobarometer 278: European cultural values 

Cultural access and participation

Directorate-General for Communication (2013) Special Eurobarometer 399: Cultural access and participation

Cultural Statistics 2007

Eurostat (2007) Cultural statistics — 2007 edition. ISBN: 978-92-79-05547-8

Lamont & Aksartova - Ordinary Cosmopolitanisms

Lamont M. and Aksartova S. (2002) Ordinary Cosmopolitanisms: Strategies for bridging racial boundaries among working-class men. Theory, Culture and Society, 19 (4): 1–25.

Skrbis & Woodward - The Ambivalence of Ordinary Cosmopolitanism

Skrbis, Z. & Woodward, I. (2007) The Ambivalence of Ordinary Cosmopolitanism: Investigating the Limits of Cosmopolitan Openness. The Sociological Review, 55(4): 730-747.

Chaney - Cosmopolitan Art and Cultural Citizenship

Chaney, D. (2002) Cosmopolitan Art and Cultural Citizenship. Theory, Culture & Society, 19(1–2): 157-174.

Woodward, Skrbis & Bean - Attitudes towards globalization and cosmopolitanism

Woodward, I., Skrbis, Z. and Bean, C. (2008) Attitudes towards globalization and cosmopolitanism: cultural diversity, personal consumption and the national economy. The British Journal of sociology, 59(2): 207-226.

Igarashi & Saito - Cosmopolitanism as cultural capital

Igarashi, H. and Saito, H., 2014. Cosmopolitanism as cultural capital: Exploring the intersection of globalization, education and stratification. Cultural Sociology, 8(3), pp.222-239.. Cultural Sociology, 8(3): 222-239.

Dowd & Janssen - Globalization and diversity in cultural fields

Dowd, T., & Janssen, S. (Eds.) (2011) Globalization and diversity in cultural fields: Comparative perspectives on television, music, and literature. Special issue of American Behavioral Scientist, 55(5): 519-641.

Hanquinet & Savage - Feeling European in a globalized world

Hanquinet, L. & Savage, M. (2018). Feeling European in a globalized world: The role of mobility, networks and consumption. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 5(4): 423-454.

Kunst, Kuhn & Van de Werfhorst - Does education decrease Euroscepticism?

Kunst, S., Kuhn, T., & Van de Werfhorst, H. G. (2020). Does education decrease Euroscepticism? A regression discontinuity design using compulsory schooling reforms in four European countries. European Union Politics, 21(1), 24-42.

McGuigan - Creative labour, cultural work and individualisation

McGuigan, J. (2012) Creative labour, cultural work and individualisation. In Bilton, C. (ed.) Creativity and Cultural Policy (pp. 93-105). Routledge. eBook ISBN 9781315872056  

McKinlay & Smith - Creative labour

McKinlay, A., & Smith, C. (2009). Creative labour: Working in the creative industries. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9780230222007

Hesmondhalgh & Baker - Creative labour

Hesmondhalgh, D., & Baker, S. (2013). Creative labour: Media work in three cultural industries. Routledge. ISBN 9780415677738

Roodhouse - Cultural quarters

Roodhouse, S. (Ed.) (2010) Cultural quarters: Principles and practice. Intellect Books. ISBN 9781841502137

Evans - From cultural quarters to creative clusters

Evans, G. (2009). From cultural quarters to creative clusters – creative spaces in the new city economy. In Legner, M. (Ed.) The sustainability and development of cultural quarters: international perspectives, (pp. 32-59). Stockholm: Institute of Urban History.

Montgomery - Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Urban Regeneration 1

Montgomery, J. (2003) Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Urban Regeneration. Part 1: Conceptualising Cultural Quarters. Planning Practice & Research, 18(4): 293-306.

Montgomery - Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Urban Regeneration 2

Montgomery, J. (2004) Cultural quarters as mechanisms for urban regeneration. Part 2: a review of four cultural quarters in the UK, Ireland and Australia. Planning Practice & Research, 19(1): 3-31.

Bertacchini, Venturini & Zotti - Drivers of cultural participation of immigrants

Bertacchini, E., Venturini, A. & Zotti, R. (2022) Drivers of cultural participation of immigrants: evidence from an Italian survey. Journal of Cultural Economics 46: 57-100.

Koopmans, Statham, Giugni & Passy - Contested citizenship

Koopmans, R., Statham, P., Giugni, M. & Passy, F. (Ed.). (2005). Contested citizenship: Immigration and cultural diversity in Europe. University of Minesota Press.  ISBN 978-0-8166-4663-0

Ahmed & Veronis - Creating in-between spaces through diasporic and mainstream media consumption

Ahmed, R., & Veronis, L. (2020). Creating in-between spaces through diasporic and mainstream media consumption: A comparison of four ethnocultural and immigrant communities in Ottawa, Canada. International Communication Gazette, 82(3): 289-315.

Alencar & Deuze - News for assimilation or integration?

Alencar, A., & Deuze, M. (2017). News for assimilation or integration? Examining the functions of news in shaping acculturation experiences of immigrants in the Netherlands and Spain. European Journal of Communication, 32(2): 151-166.

Hyde - Common as Air

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Myrczik, E. (2023). KØN – GENDER MUSEUM DENMARK: Whose museum? INVENT Case Study.

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Karels & Janssen - CityLab010

Karels, A. & Janssen, S. (2023). CityLab010: Investigating the inclusive, participatory, and democratic nature of a citizen initiative platform. INVENT Case Study.

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Peters, J. (2023). Re-thinking the museum from the bottom-up. The case of Museum Boijmans van Beuningen’s project ‘Zuid. Boijmans’. INVENT Case Study.

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McKinlay & McVittie - Identities in Context

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INVENT Policy Brief I

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INVENT Newsletter I (2021)

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INVENT Newsletter III (2023)

Karels, A., Janssen, S., & Holla, S. (Eds.). (2023). INVENT Newsletter III.

INVENT Newsletter II (2022)

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INVENT Policy Brief II

Janssen, S., & S. Holla. (2023). INVENT Policy Brief II – Culture’s contribution to health and wellbeing. 22 pages.

INVENT Policy Brief III

Janssen, S., Kristensen, N.N., & Verboord, M. (2023). INVENT Policy Brief III – Digitalization and culture. 21 pages.

The Influence of Globalization and European Integration on Culture

Katz-Gerro, T.,  Yodovich, N. & G.B. David (2022). The Influence of Globalization and European Integration on Culture. INVENT report (25 pages).

The Influence of Social Inequalities on Culture

López-Sintas, J., Cveticanin, P., Katz-Gerro, T., Kim, J., Lamberti, G., Rössel, J., Walo, S., & N. Yodovich (2022). The Influence of Social Inequalities on Culture. INVENT report (43 pages).

Holla & Janssen – Cultuur in turbulente tijden. Online petities en burger initiatieven tijdens Corona

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Janssen & Verboord – ‘Cultuur van en voor iedereen’? Culturele diversiteit en cultuurparticipatie in de migratiesamenleving

Janssen, S. & Verboord, M. (2022). ‘Cultuur van en voor iedereen’? Culturele diversiteit en cultuurparticipatie in de migratiesamenleving [Culture from and for everyone? Cultural diversity and cultural participation in the Migration]. In: R. Kleinhans, M. van Ostaijen & K. Seibel (Eds.), De Migratiesamenleving [The Migration Society]  (pp. 101-118). Boom Publishers.

Heikkilä & Sirkka – Tolerants versus traditionalists

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Katz-Gerro, Janssen, Yodovich, Verboord & Llonch-Andreu – Cosmopolitanism in contemporary European societies

Katz-Gerro, T., Janssen, S., Yodovich, N., Verboord, M., & Llonch-Andreu, J. (2023). Cosmopolitanism in contemporary European societies: mapping and comparing different types of openness across Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Online first 31 May 2023.

Lamberti, López Sintas & Sukphan – Explaining the digital divide in the European Union

Lamberti, G., López Sintas, J., & J. Sukphan (2023) Explaining the digital divide in the European Union: the complementary role of information security concerns in the social process of internet appropriation. Information Technology for Development, 1-27. 

Lamberti, López Sintas / Sukphan – The social process of Internet appropriation

Lamberti, G., López Sintas, J., & J. Sukphan (2021). The social process of Internet appropriation: Living in a digitally advanced country benefits less well-educated Europeans. Telecommunications Policy, 45(1), 102055.

Myrczik, Heikkilä, Kristensen & Purhonen – Missing out on culture—or not

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Purhonen, Verboord, Sirkka, Kristensen & Janssen – Definitely (not) belonging to culture

Purhonen, S., Verboord, M., Sirkka, O., Kristensen, N., & S. Janssen (2023). Definitely (not) belonging to culture: Europeans’ evaluations of the contents and limits of culture. Poetics. Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts. Online first 2 November 2023.

Verboord & Kristensen – EU cultural policy and audience perspectives

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Verboord, Janssen, Kristensen & Marquart – Institutional trust and media use in times of cultural backlash

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Astor – Cordoba’s Mosque-Cathedral as contested cultural heritage. To whom does “world heritage” belong?

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Bonnet – The MAC VAL: A museum of contemporary art in the suburbs

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Hazut Yanuka - Diversity in cultural leadership in the policy of Arts Council England

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Heikkilä – How will algorithms shape our cultural practices? The case of Finnish public libraries

Heikkilä, R. (2023). How will algorithms shape our cultural practices? The case of Finnish public libraries.

Kallunki & Purhonen – Cultural practices in the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education, 1985–2014.

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López Sintas – The unanticipated consequences of the “Miró Law” and its negative impact on the Spanish film industry

López Sintas, J. (2023). The unanticipated consequences of the “Miró Law” and its negative impact on the Spanish film industry

Marcelić – Fortress of culture Šibenik: From cultural heritage management to sustainable social development

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Pereira, Chymisz & Brumen – Les Machines de l’Île de Nantes. From the workshop of the craftsman and the artist to the event in the city

Pereira, L.P.,  Chymisz, M. & P. Brumen (2023). Les Machines de l’Île de Nantes. From the workshop of the craftsman and the artist to the event in the city

Pereira – L’Échonova: Music as a strategy for the dynamisation of cultural and associative life

Pereira, L.P. (2023). L’Échonova: Music as a strategy for the dynamisation of cultural and associative life

Petrović – Forty years of alternative culture in Zurich: The case of the Red Factory

Petrović, V. (2023). Forty years of alternative culture in Zurich: The case of the Red Factory

Rössel & Fritsch – Participatory budgeting: Opportunities, successes, and organisational constraints

Rössel, J. & L. Fritsch (2023). Participatory budgeting: Opportunities, successes, and organisational constraints

Sirkka & Sivonen – Perspectives on Tampere City Cultural Strategy 2030 and its legacy project Operaatio Pirkanmaa: A case study

Sirkka, O. & Sivonen, S. (2023). Perspectives on Tampere City Cultural Strategy 2030 and its legacy project Operaatio Pirkanmaa: A case study

Tomka – Spaces for culture at urban peripheries: The case of culture stations and Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022

Tomka, G. (2023). Spaces for culture at urban peripheries: The case of culture stations and Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022

Tomić-Koludrović – Inclusion through participation: The Croatian Library for the Blind

Tomić-Koludrović, I. (2023). Inclusion through participation: The Croatian Library for the Blind

Walo – Diversity and inclusion at the theatre: Reflections on the debate in Zürich

Walo, S. (2023). Diversity and inclusion at the theatre: Reflections on the debate in Zürich. Link to report

Yodovich – Crossing the line. Representation of Women in the National Football Museum – A case study

Yodovich, N. (2023). Crossing the line. Representation of Women in the National Football Museum – A case study

Yodovich & Ben David – The Museums That make us: A case study

Yodovich, N. & Ben David, G. (2023).The Museums That make us: A case study

» NEW! » Cicchiello, Gallo, & Monferrà – Financing the cultural and creative industries through crowdfunding

Cicchiello, A.F., Gallo, S. & Monferrà, S. (2023). Financing the cultural and creative industries through crowdfunding: the role of national cultural dimensions and policies. Journal of Cultultural Economics 47, 133–175.

» NEW! » Bianchini & Parkinson - Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration

Franco Bianchini & Michael Parkinson (eds.). (1993). Cultural Policy and Urban Regeneration: The West European Experience. Manchester University Press. ISBN: 0719035562; 0719045762.

» NEW! » Tommarchi - European Port Cities and Urban Regeneration

Enrico Tommarchi. (2022). European Port Cities and Urban Regeneration: Exploring Cultural and Sporting Mega Events at the Water's Edge. Routledge. ISBN 9780367761752 

» NEW! » Jayne & Bell - City of Quarters

Mark Jayne & David Bell (eds.). (2004). City of Quarters: Urban Villages in the Contemporary City.  Routledge. ISBN 9780754634140 

» NEW! » Montgomery - Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Urban Regeneration

John Montgomery (2003) Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Urban Regeneration. Part 1: Conceptualising Cultural Quarters, Planning Practice & Research, 18:4, 293-306, DOI: 10.1080/1561426042000215614 John Montgomery (2004) Cultural Quarters as Mechanisms for Frban Regeneration. Part 2: A Review of Four Cultural Quarters in the UK, Ireland and Australia, Planning Practice & Research, 19:1, 3-31, DOI: 10.1080/0269745042000246559

» NEW! » Roodhouse - Cultural Quarters

Simon Roodhouse (ed). (2006/2010). Cultural Quarters: Principles and Practice. Intellect Books. ISBN 9781841501581; 9781841502137

» NEW! » Roodhouse & Mokre - The MuseumsQuartier, Vienna

Simon Roodhouse & Monika Mokre.  (2004). The MuseumsQuartier, Vienna: An Austrian Cultural Experiment, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 10:2, 193-207, DOI: 10.1080/13527250410001692895

» NEW! » Paddison & Miles - Culture-Led Urban Regeneration

Ronan Paddison & R. Steven Miles (eds.) (2020). Culture-Led Urban Regeneration. Routledge. eBook ISBN 9781315878768

» NEW! » Finio - Measurement and Definition of Gentrification in Urban Studies and Planning

Nicholas Finio. (2022). Measurement and Definition of Gentrification in Urban Studies and Planning. Journal of Planning Literature, 37(2), 249-264.

» NEW! » Atkinson & Bridge (eds.) - Gentrification in a Global Context

Rowland Atkinson & Gary Bridge (eds.) (2005). Gentrification in a Global Context: The New Urban Colonialism. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-32951-4

» NEW! » Nedučin, Krklješ, Gajić - Post-socialist context of culture-led urban regeneration

Dejana Nedučin, Milena Krklješ, Zlatomir Gajić. (2019) Post-socialist context of culture-led urban regeneration – Case study of a street in Novi Sad, Serbia, Cities, 85: 72-82.

» NEW! » Murzyn-Kupisz - Cultural Quarters as a Means of Enhancing the Creative Capacity of Polish Cities?

Monika Murzyn-Kupisz. (2013). Cultural Quarters as a Means of Enhancing the Creative Capacity of Polish Cities? Some Evidence from Cracow, Quaestiones Geographicae, 31(4: 63-76.

» NEW! » Evans - Measure for Measure: Evaluating the Evidence of Culture’s Contribution to Regeneration

Graeme Evans (2005). Measure for Measure: Evaluating the Evidence of Culture’s Contribution to Regeneration. Urban Studies, 42(5-6): 959-983.

» NEW! » Keating & de Frantz - Culture-led strategies for urban regeneration

Michael Keating and Monika de Frantz. (2004). Culture-led strategies for urban regeneration: a comparative perspective on Bilbao,  International Journal of Iberian Studies, 16(3): 187-194.

» NEW! » Sharp, Pollock & Paddison - Just Art for a Just City

Joanne Sharp, Venda Pollock, and Ronan Paddison. (2005). Just Art for a Just City: Public Art and Social Inclusion in Urban Regeneration. Urban Studies, 42(5-6): 1001-1023.

» NEW! » Council of Europe - Methodological guide on social cohesion policy

Council of Europe. (2005). Methodological guide on social cohesion policy. ISBN 92-871-5742-1

» NEW! » Jenson - Defining and Measuring Social Cohesion

Jane Jenson. (2010). Defining and Measuring Social Cohesion. Commonwealth Secretariat and United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. ISBN: 978-1-84859-072-4

» NEW! » UNECE - Social Cohesion: Concept and Measurement

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. (2023). Social Cohesion: Concept and Measurement. United nations. ISBN 978-92-1-358503-0

» NEW! » Council of Europe - Involving citizens and communities in securing societal progress for the well-being of all

Council of Europe. (2011). Involving citizens and communities in securing societal progress for the well-being of all. ISBN 978-92-871-6888-7

» NEW! » Vollhardt, Migacheva & Tropp - Social Cohesion and Tolerance for Group Differences

Vollhardt, J.K., Migacheva, K., Tropp, L.R. (2009). Social Cohesion and Tolerance for Group Differences. In: de Rivera, J. (eds) Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace. Peace Psychology Book Series. Springer, New York, NY

» NEW! » European Committee for Social Cohesion - A new strategy for Social Cohesion: Revised strategy for Social Cohesion

European Committee for Social Cohesion. (2004).  A new strategy for Social Cohesion: Revised strategy for Social Cohesion.

» NEW! » Sinapi & Juno-Delgado - Motivations for Establishing Cooperative Companies in the Performing Arts

Sinapi, C. and Juno-Delgado, E. (2015). Motivations for Establishing Cooperative Companies in the Performing Arts: A European Perspective. Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms (Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms, Vol. 16), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 63-107.

» NEW! » Juno-Delgado, McCulloch & Sinapi - Shared services and performing arts co-operatives

Juno-Delgado, E., McCulloch, M., & Sinapi, C. (2014). Shared services and performing arts co-operatives. In Research Handbook on Sustainable Co-operative Enterprise. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

» NEW! » Shneor, Zhao & Flåten - Advances in Crowdfunding

Shneor, R., Zhao, L. & Flåten, B-T.(2020). Advances in Crowdfunding: Research and Practice. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-3-030-46309-0 

» NEW! » Boyle & Oakley - Co-operatives in the Creative Industries

David Boyle and Kate Oakley. (2018). Co-operatives in the Creative Industries. Co-operatives UK.

» NEW! » Cicchiello, Gallo & Monferrà - Mapping crowdfunding in cultural and creative industries

Cicchiello, A.F., Gallo, S. & Monferrà, S. (2022) Mapping crowdfunding in cultural and creative industries: A conceptual and empirical overview. European Management Review, 19(1), 22–37.

» NEW! » Knell & Taylor - Arts Funding, Austerity and the Big Society

John Knell and Matthew Taylor (2011). Arts Funding, Austerity and the Big Society: Remaking the case for the arts? RSA.

» NEW! » Handke & Dalla Chiesa - The art of crowdfunding arts and innovation

Handke, C., Dalla Chiesa, C. (2022). The art of crowdfunding arts and innovation: the cultural economic perspective. Journal of Cultural Economics 46, 249–284 (2022).

» NEW! » Nahruddin - The Politics of Conflict Resolution

Nahruddin, Z. (2022). The Politics of Conflict Resolution: Negotiating Public Policy Amidst Community Dissonance. Journal of Public Representative and Society Provision, 2(3), 69-76.

» NEW! » O’Callaghan - Urban anxieties and creative tensions in the European Capital of Culture 2005

O’Callaghan, C. (2012) Urban anxieties and creative tensions in the European Capital of Culture 2005: ‘It couldn’t just be about Cork, like’, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18:2, 185-204, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2011.567331

» NEW! » Bowen & Kisida - Arts education partnerships: sources of harmony and dissonance with cultural institutions’ collaborative efforts

Daniel H. Bowen & Brian Kisida (2019) Arts education partnerships: sources of harmony and dissonance with cultural institutions’ collaborative efforts, Cultural Trends, 28:5, 379-390, DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2019.1679995

» NEW! » Case, Dalley & Reddick - The Handbook of Art Therapy

Case, C., Dalley, T., & Reddick, D. (2022). The Handbook of Art Therapy (4th ed.). Routledge.

» NEW! » Clift & Camic (eds.) - Oxford textbook of creative arts, health, and wellbeing

Clift, S., & Camic, P. M. (Eds.). Oxford textbook of creative arts, health, and wellbeing: International perspectives on practice, policy and research. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2016. ISBN 978-0-19-968807-4.

» NEW! » Golub - Social Action Art Therapy

Deborah Golub EdD, ATR-BC, LMHC (2005) Social Action Art Therapy, Art Therapy, 22:1, 17-23, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2005.10129467

» NEW! » Malchiodi (ed.) - Handbook of Expressive Arts Therapy

Malchiodi, C. A. (Ed.). (2022). Handbook of Expressive Arts Therapy. The Guilford Press. ISBN 9781462550524

» NEW! » Kapitan - Social Action in Practice

Lynn Kapitan (2015) Social Action in Practice: Shifting the Ethnocentric Lens in Cross-Cultural Art Therapy Encounters, Art Therapy, 32:3, 104-111, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2015.1060403

» NEW! » Kaplan (ed.) – Art Therapy and Social Action

Kaplan, F. F. (ed.) (2007). Art therapy and social action. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN: 9781843107989

» NEW! » Levine & Levine (eds.) - Art in Action

Stephen K. Levine and Ellen G. Levine (eds.) (2011).  Art in Action Expressive: Arts Therapy and Social Change. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. ISBN: 9781849058209

» NEW! » Kapitan, Litell & Torres - Creative Art Therapy in a Community's Participatory Research and Social Transformation

Lynn Kapitan, Mary Litell & Anabel Torres (2011) Creative Art Therapy in a Community's Participatory Research and Social Transformation, Art Therapy, 28:2, 64-73, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2011.578238

» NEW! » Karcher - Sociopolitical Oppression, Trauma, and Healing

Owen Paul Karcher (2017) Sociopolitical Oppression, Trauma, and Healing: Moving Toward a Social Justice Art Therapy Framework, Art Therapy, 34:3, 123-128, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2017.1358024

» NEW! » Talwar - An Intersectional Framework for Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in Art Therapy

Savneet Talwar MA, ATR-BC (2010) An Intersectional Framework for Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in Art Therapy, Art Therapy, 27:1, 11-17, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2010.10129567

» NEW! » Hogan - Art Therapy Theories

Hogan, S. (2015). Art Therapy Theories: A Critical Introduction. Routledge. eISBN 9781315738055

» NEW! » Carey & Sutton - Community development through participatory arts

Phil Carey, Sue Sutton, Community development through participatory arts: Lessons learned from a community arts and regeneration project in South Liverpool, Community Development Journal, Volume 39, Issue 2, April 2004, Pages 123–134.

» NEW! » Chapple & Jackson - Arts, Neighborhoods, and Social Practices

Chapple, K., & Jackson, S. (2010). Commentary: Arts, Neighborhoods, and Social Practices: Towards an Integrated Epistemology of Community Arts. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 29(4), 478-490.

» NEW! » Crehan - Community Art

Crehan, K. (2011). Community Art: An Anthropological Perspective. Routledge.

» NEW! » Jokela, Hiltunen & Härkönen - Art-based action research

Jokela, T., Hiltunen, M., & Härkönen, E. (2015). Art-based action research – participatory art for the north. International Journal of Education through Art, 11(3), 433-448.

» NEW! » Kelaher et al. - Evaluating community outcomes of participation in community arts

Kelaher, M., Berman, N., Dunt, D., Johnson, V., Curry, S., & Joubert, L. (2014). Evaluating community outcomes of participation in community arts: A case for civic dialogue. Journal of Sociology, 50(2), 132-149.

» NEW! » Lowe - Creating Community: Art for Community Development

Lowe, S. S. (2000). Creating Community: Art for Community Development. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 29(3), 357-386.

» NEW! » Madyaningrum & Sonn - Exploring the meaning of participation in a community art project

Madyaningrum, M. E., & Sonn, C. (2011). Exploring the meaning of participation in a community art project: A case study on the Seeming project. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 21(4), 358-370.

» NEW! » Polloc & Sharp - Real participation or the tyranny of participatory practice?

Pollock, V. L., & Sharp, J. (2012). Real participation or the tyranny of participatory practice? Public art and community involvement in the regeneration of the Raploch, Scotland. Urban Studies, 49(14), 3063-3079.

» NEW! » Swindells et al. - Eudaimonic well-being and community arts participation

Swindells, R., Lawthom, R., Rowley, K., Siddiquee, A., Kilroy, A., & Kagan, C. (2013). Eudaimonic well-being and community arts participation. Perspectives in Public Health, 133(1), 60-65.

» NEW! » Marchegiani - From Mecenatism to crowdfunding

Lucia Marchegiani (2018) From Mecenatism to crowdfunding: engagement and identification in cultural-creative projects, Journal of Heritage Tourism, 13:2, 143-151, DOI: 10.1080/1743873X.2017.1337777

» NEW! » Demattos Guimarães & Maehle - Evolution, trends, and narratives of cultural crowdfunding

Alice Demattos Guimarães & Natalia Maehle (2023) Evolution, trends, and narratives of cultural crowdfunding: the case of Norway, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 29:7, 942-970, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2022.2152446

» NEW! » Kędzierska-Szczepaniak - Crowdfunding – innovative financing of cultural ventures by society

Angelika Kędzierska-Szczepaniak (2021) Crowdfunding – innovative financing of cultural ventures by society, Procedia Computer Science, 192: 4348-4357.

» NEW! » Loots, Piecyk & Wijngaarden - At the juncture of funding, policy, and technology

Ellen Loots, Kaja Piecyk & Yosha Wijngaarden (2024) At the juncture of funding, policy, and technology: how promising is match-funding of arts and culture through crowdfunding platforms?, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 30:1, 118-134, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2023.2173746

» NEW! » van den Hoogen- Values in crowdfunding in the Netherlands

Quirijn Lennert van den Hoogen (2020) Values in crowdfunding in the Netherlands, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 26:1, 109-127, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2018.1433666

» NEW! » Chou, Cheng & Martia - Fundraising policies in cultural and creative industries

Shu-Ching Chou, Yu-Hsiu Cheng & Dina Yeni Martia (2022) Fundraising policies in cultural and creative industries: public stock market and crowdfunding channels, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 28:6, 730-754, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2021.2011253

» NEW! » Jelilnčić & Šveb - Financial Sustainability of Cultural Heritage: A Review of Crowdfunding in Europe

Jelinčić, Daniela Angelina, and Marta Šveb. 2021. Financial Sustainability of Cultural Heritage: A Review of Crowdfunding in Europe" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14, no. 3: 101.

» NEW! » Lazzaro & Noonan - A comparative analysis of US and EU regulatory frameworks of crowdfunding for the cultural and creative industries

Elisabetta Lazzaro & Douglas Noonan (2021) A comparative analysis of US and EU regulatory frameworks of crowdfunding for the cultural and creative industries, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 27:5, 590-606, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2020.1776270

» NEW! » Eizaguirre Anglada - Cultural commons as a key for bottom-linked policies

Eizaguirre Anglada, Santiago “Cultural commons as a key for bottom-linked policies. An exploration of the support for public and community partnerships in Barcelona”. on the w@terfront. Barcelona. Universitat de Barcelona vol. 64, nr. 12, p. 3-39.

» NEW! » Macrì, Morea & Trimarchi - Cultural Commons and Urban Dynamics

Emanuela Macrì, Valeria Morea, Michele Trimarchi (eds.) (2021). Cultural Commons and Urban Dynamics: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Springer.

» NEW! » Marttila & Botero - Infrastructuring for Cultural Commons

Marttila, S., Botero, A. Infrastructuring for Cultural Commons. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Article 26, 97–133 (2017).

» NEW! » Lekakis - Cultural heritage in the realm of the commons

Lekakis, S. (ed.), 2020. Cultural heritage in the realm of the commons: Conversations on the Case of Greece. London: Ubiquity

» NEW! » Dameri & Moggi - Emerging business models for the cultural commons

Renata Paola Dameri & Sara Moggi (2021) Emerging business models for the cultural commons. Empirical evidence from creative cultural firms, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 19:3, 341-354, DOI: 10.1080/14778238.2019.1664945

» NEW! » Borchi - Culture as commons

Alice Borchi (2018) Culture as commons: theoretical challenges and empirical evidence from occupied cultural spaces in Italy, Cultural Trends, 27:1, 33-45, DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2018.1415410

» NEW! » Pascual i Ruiz & Dragojević - Guide to Citizen Participation in Local Cultural Policy Development for European Cities

Jordi Pascual i Ruiz & Sanjin Dragojević(2007) Guide to Citizen Participation in Local Cultural Policy Development for European Cities. European Cultural Foundation

» NEW! » Tsaliki - The Construction of European Identity and Citizenship Through Cultural Policy

Tsaliki, L. (2007). "The Construction of European Identity and Citizenship Through Cultural Policy". In Media and Cultural Policy in the European Union. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

» NEW! » Bonet & Négrier - The participative turn in cultural policy

Lluis Bonet, Emmanuel Négrier, The participative turn in cultural policy: Paradigms, models, contexts, Poetics, Volume 66, 2018, Pages 64-73.

» NEW! » Amenta & Polletta - The Cultural Impacts of Social Movements

Edwin Amenta and Francesca Polletta. The Cultural Impacts of Social Movements. Annual Review of Sociology 2019 45:1, 279-299.

» NEW! » Alacovska & Gill - De-westernizing creative labour studies

Alacovska, A., & Gill, R. (2019). De-westernizing creative labour studies: The informality of creative work from an ex-centric perspective. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 22(2), 195-212.

» NEW! » Banks - The politics of cultural work

Banks, M. (2007). The politics of cultural work. Springer.

» NEW! » Cohen - Cultural Work as a Site of Struggle

Cohen, N. S. (2015). "Cultural Work as a Site of Struggle: Freelancers and Exploitation". In Marx and the Political Economy of the Media. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

» NEW! » Comunian & England - Creative and cultural work without filters

Roberta Comunian & Lauren England (2020) Creative and cultural work without filters: Covid-19 and exposed precarity in the creative economy, Cultural Trends, 29:2, 112-128, DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2020.1770577

» NEW! » de Peuter - Creative Economy and Labor Precarity

De Peuter, G. (2011). Creative economy and labor precarity: A contested convergence. Journal of communication inquiry, 35(4), 417-425.

» NEW! » de Peuter - Beyond the Model Worker

De Peuter, G. (2014). Beyond the model worker: Surveying a creative precariat. Culture Unbound, 6(1), 263-284. DOI:10.3384/cu.2000.1525.146263

» NEW! » de Peuter - Confronting Precarity in the Warhol Economy

Greig de Peuter (2014) Confronting Precarity in the Warhol Economy, Journal of Cultural Economy, 7:1, 31-47, DOI: 10.1080/17530350.2013.856337

» NEW! » Murray & Gollmitzer- Escaping the precarity trap

Murray, C., & Gollmitzer, M. (2012). Escaping the precarity trap: a call for creative labour policy. International journal of cultural policy, 18(4), 419-438. DOI:10.1080/10286632.2011.591490

» NEW! » Cantillon & Baker - Serious leisure and the DIY approach to heritage

 Zelmarie Cantillon & Sarah Baker (2020) Serious leisure and the DIY approach to heritage: considering the costs of career volunteering in community archives and museums, Leisure Studies, 39:2, 266-279, DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2019.1694571 

» NEW! » Hewlett - Volunteering in libraries, museums and archives

Hewlett, S. (2002). Volunteering in libraries, museums and archives. Cultural Trends, 12(46), 39-66.

» NEW! » Holmes - Experiential learning or exploitation?

Holmes, K. (2006). Experiential learning or exploitation? Volunteering for work experience in the UK museums sector. Museum Management and Curatorship, 21(3), 240-253.

» NEW! » Holmes - Volunteers in the heritage sector: a neglected audience?

Kirsten Holmes (2003) Volunteers in the heritage sector: a neglected audience?, International Journal of Heritage Studies, 9:4, 341-355, DOI: 10.1080/1352725022000155072

» NEW! » Connolly & Tate - Volunteers and Collections as Viewed from the Museum Mission Statement

Connolly, R. P., & Tate, N. B. (2011). Volunteers and Collections as Viewed from the Museum Mission Statement. Collections, 7(3), 325-345.

» NEW! » Pryce - The Role of Organisational Culture in Sustaining Volunteers in Heritage Attractions

Pryce, J. (2021). The Role of Organisational Culture in Sustaining Volunteers in Heritage Attractions. In: Holmes, K., Lockstone-Binney, L., Smith, K.A., & Shipway, R. (Eds.). (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Volunteering in Events, Sport and Tourism. Routledge.

» NEW! » Smith - Literary enthusiasts as visitors and volunteers

Smith, K.A. (2003), Literary enthusiasts as visitors and volunteers. International Journal of Tourism Research, 5: 83-95.

» NEW! » Smith & Lockstone - Involving and keeping event volunteers

Smith, K. A., & Lockstone, L. (2009). Involving and keeping event volunteers: management insights from cultural festivals. In: T. Baum, M. Deery, C. Hanlon, L. Lockstone,  K. Smith (eds.) People and work in events and conventions: A research perspective (pp. 154-167). Wallingford UK: Cabi.

» NEW! » Camic & Chatterjee - Museums and art galleries as partners for public health interventions

Camic PM, Chatterjee HJ. Museums and art galleries as partners for public health interventions. Perspectives in Public Health. 2013;133(1):66-71. doi:10.1177/1757913912468523

» NEW! » Belfiore & Bennett – Beyond the “Toolkit Approach”

Eleonora Belfiore & Oliver Bennett (2010) Beyond the “Toolkit Approach”: Arts Impact Evaluation Research and the Realities of Cultural Policy‐Making, Journal for Cultural Research, 14:2, 121-142, DOI: 10.1080/14797580903481280

» NEW! » Crone et al. - ‘Art Lift’ intervention to improve mental well-being

Crone, D.M., O'Connell, E.E., Tyson, P.J., Clark-Stone, F., Opher, S. and James, D.V.B. (2013), ‘Art Lift’ Intervention to Improve Well-Being. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 22: 279-286.

» NEW! » Coholic et al. - Arts-based interventions for youth with mental health challenges

Coholic, D., Schinke, R., Oghene, O., Dano, K., Jago, M., McAlister, H., & Grynspan, P. (2020). Arts-based interventions for youth with mental health challenges. Journal of Social Work, 20(3), 269-286.

» NEW! » Darewych & Riedel Bowers - Positive arts interventions

 Olena Helen Darewych & Nancy Riedel Bowers (2018) Positive arts interventions: creative clinical tools promoting psychological well-being, International Journal of Art Therapy, 23:2, 62-69, DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2017.1378241 

» NEW! » Dunphy et al. - Creative Arts Interventions to Address Depression in Older Adults

Dunphy, K., Baker, F. A., Dumaresq, E., Carroll-Haskins, K., Eickholt, J., Ercole, M., Kaimalm G., Meyer, K., Sajnani, M., Shamir, O. Y. & Wosch, T. (2019). Creative arts interventions to address depression in older adults: A systematic review of outcomes, processes, and mechanisms. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2655.

» NEW! » Fancourt - Arts in Health

 Fancourt, Daisy, Arts in Health: Designing and researching interventions (Oxford, 2017; online edn, Oxford Academic, 20 July 2017),

» NEW! » Huet - Literature review of art therapy-based interventions for work-related stress

 Val Huet (2015) Literature review of art therapy-based interventions for work-related stress, International Journal of Art Therapy, 20:2, 66-76, DOI: 10.1080/17454832.2015.1023323 

» NEW! » Jensen & Bonde - The use of arts interventions for mental health and wellbeing in health settings

Jensen, A., & Bonde, L. O. (2018). The use of arts interventions for mental health and wellbeing in health settings. Perspectives in public health, 138(4), 209-214. DOI: 10.1177/1757913918772602

» NEW! » Martin et al. - Creative Arts Interventions for Stress Management and Prevention

Martin, L.; Oepen, R.; Bauer, K.; Nottensteiner, A.; Mergheim, K.; Gruber, H.; Koch, S.C. Creative Arts Interventions for Stress Management and Prevention—A Systematic Review. Behavioral Sciences 2018, 8, 28. 

» NEW! » Moula, Powell & Karkou - An investigation of the effectiveness of arts therapies interventions on measures of quality of life and wellbeing

Moula, Z., Powell, J., & Karkou, V. (2020). An investigation of the effectiveness of arts therapies interventions on measures of quality of life and wellbeing: A pilot randomized controlled study in primary schools. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3591. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.586134

» NEW! » Schall et al. - Art museum-based intervention to promote emotional well-being and improve quality of life in people with dementia

Schall A, Tesky VA, Adams A-K, Pantel J. Art museum-based intervention to promote emotional well-being and improve quality of life in people with dementia: The ARTEMIS project. Dementia. 2018;17(6):728-743. doi:10.1177/1471301217730451

» NEW! » Wikström - Social interaction associated with visual art discussions:

Wikström, B. M. (2002). Social interaction associated with visual art discussions: A controlled intervention study. Aging & Mental Health, 6(1), 82-87. DOI: 10.1080/13607860120101068

» NEW! » Badham - Legitimation: The Case for “Socially Engaged Arts”

Badham, M. (2010). Legitimation: The Case for “Socially Engaged Arts” - Navigating Art History, Cultural Development and Arts Funding Narratives. Local-Global: Identity, Security, Community, 7, 84–99.

» NEW! » Neiva Ganga - Evaluating cultural legacy

Neiva Ganga, R. (2022). Evaluating cultural legacy: From policy to engaged research. In A Research Agenda for Event Impacts. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

» NEW! » McGuigan - Culture and the Public Sphere

McGuigan, J. (1996). Culture and the Public Sphere. Routledge.

» NEW! » Choo & Currid-Halkett – Socially Engaged Art(ists) and the 'Just Turn' in City Space

Choo, Soyoon; Currid-Halkett, Elizabeth. Socially Engaged Art(ists) and the 'Just Turn' in City Space: The Evolution of Gwanghwamun Plaza in Seoul, South Korea. Built Environment, Volume 46, Number 2, Summer 2020, pp. 119-137(19).

» NEW! » Güngör - Collaboration and Visibility

Güngör, Ayşe. Collaboration and Visibility: Changing Relations Between Socially Engaged Art, Anthropology and Urban Sphere in Turkey. Estudo Prévio 15, 2019.

» NEW! » de Freitas Santos et al. - Cultural mega-events and the enhancement of a city's image

 José de Freitas Santos, Laurentina Vareiro, Paula Remoaldo & José Cadima Ribeiro (2017) Cultural mega-events and the enhancement of a city's image: differences between engaged participants and attendees, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 9:2, 129-151, DOI: 10.1080/19407963.2016.1157598 

» NEW! » Akuno et al. - Whose arts education?

Akuno, E., Klepacki, L., Lin, M. C., O’Toole, J., Reihana, T., Wagner, E., & Restrepo, G. Z. (2014). Whose arts education?: International and intercultural dialogue. In Fleming, M., Bresler, L., & O'Toole, J. (Eds.). The Routledge international handbook of the arts and education (pp. 79-105). Routledge.

» NEW! » Garcia-Lazo - Dialogical Pedagogies in Visual Arts Education

Garcia-Lazo, V. (2022), Dialogical Pedagogies in Visual Arts Education: A/r/tographical Encounters in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 41: 6-22.

» NEW! » Crosbie - Capabilities for intercultural dialogue

 Veronica Crosbie (2014) Capabilities for intercultural dialogue, Language and Intercultural Communication, 14:1, 91-107, DOI: 10.1080/14708477.2013.866126 

» NEW! » Fuentes - Cultural diversity on the Council of Europe documents

Fuentes, J. L. (2016). Cultural diversity on the Council of Europe documents: The role of education and the intercultural dialogue. Policy Futures in Education, 14(3), 377-391.

» NEW! » Ganesh & Holmes - Positioning Intercultural Dialogue

Ganesh, S., & Holmes, P. (2011). Positioning intercultural dialogue—theories, pragmatics, and an agenda. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 4(2), 81-86. DOI:10.1080/17513057.2011.557482

» NEW! » Holmes - Intercultural dialogue: challenges to theory, practice and research

Holmes, P. (2014). Intercultural dialogue: challenges to theory, practice and research. Language and Intercultural Communication, 14(1), 1-6.

» NEW! » Lee - Intercultural dialogue in theory and practice: a review

 Ee Lin Lee (2016) Intercultural dialogue in theory and practice: a review, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 11:2, 236-242, DOI: 10.1080/17447143.2016.1156686 

» NEW! » Phipps - ‘They are bombing now’: ‘Intercultural Dialogue’ in times of conflict

 Alison Phipps (2014) ‘They are bombing now’: ‘Intercultural Dialogue’ in times of conflict, Language and Intercultural Communication, 14:1, 108-124, DOI: 10.1080/14708477.2013.866127 

» NEW! » Stokke & Lybæk – Combining intercultural dialogue and critical multiculturalism

Stokke, C., & Lybæk, L. (2018). Combining intercultural dialogue and critical multiculturalism. Ethnicities, 18(1), 70-85.

» NEW! » Vidmar-Horvat - The Predicament of Intercultural Dialogue

Vidmar-Horvat, K. (2012). The predicament of intercultural dialogue: Reconsidering the politics of culture and identity in the EU. Cultural Sociology, 6(1), 27-44.

» NEW! » Zajda - Globalisation, Nation-Building, and Cultural Identity: The Role of Intercultural Dialogue

Zajda, J. (2009). Globalisation, nation-building, and cultural identity: The role of intercultural dialogue. In Nation-building, identity and citizenship education (pp. 15-24). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. DOI:10.1007/978-1-4020-9318-0_2

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Wilson, H. F. (2014). The Possibilities of Tolerance: Intercultural Dialogue in a Multicultural Europe. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 32(5), 852-868.

» NEW! » Algan et al. (eds) - Cultural integration of immigrants in Europe

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» NEW! » Amiraux & Simon - There are no Minorities Here

Amiraux, V., & Simon, P. (2006). There are no minorities here: Cultures of scholarship and public debate on immigrants and integration in France. International journal of comparative sociology, 47(3-4), 191-215.

» NEW! » Angelini, Casi & Corazzini - Life satisfaction of immigrants

Angelini, V., Casi, L., & Corazzini, L. (2015). Life satisfaction of immigrants: does cultural assimilation matter? Journal of Population Economics, 28, 817-844.

» NEW! » Bisin et al. - Are Muslim immigrants different in terms of cultural integration?

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» NEW! » Hadj Abdou - Immigrant integration

Hadj Abdou, L. (2019). Immigrant integration: the governance of ethno-cultural differences. Comparative migration studies, 7(1), 1-8.

» NEW! » Heckmann & Schnapper (eds.) - The Integration of Immigrants in European Societies:

Heckmann, Friedrich and Schnapper, Dominique. The Integration of Immigrants in European Societies: National Differences and Trends of Convergence, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2003.

» NEW! » Cheong - Communication context, social cohesion and social capital building among Hispanic immigrant families

Cheong, P. (2006). Communication context, social cohesion and social capital building among Hispanic immigrant families. Community, work and family, 9(3), 367-387. DOI:10.1080/13668800600743495

» NEW! » Kennedy & Roudometof - Communities Across Borders

Kennedy, P., & Roudometof, V. (Eds.). (2002). Communities Across Borders: New Immigrants and Transnational Cultures. Routledge.

» NEW! » Kunst et al. - The Missing Side of Acculturation

Kunst, J. R., Lefringhausen, K., Sam, D. L., Berry, J. W., & Dovidio, J. F. (2021). The Missing Side of Acculturation: How Majority-Group Members Relate to Immigrant and Minority-Group Cultures. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30(6), 485-494.

» NEW! » Ngo - Beyond “Culture Clash” Understandings of Immigrant Experiences

Bic Ngo (2008) Beyond “Culture Clash” Understandings of Immigrant Experiences, Theory Into Practice, 47:1, 4-11, DOI: 10.1080/00405840701764656

» NEW! » Penninx - Integration of migrants

Penninx, R. (2005). Integration of migrants: Economic, social, cultural and political dimensions. In M. Macura, A.L. & Haug, W. MacDonald (eds.) The new demographic regime: Population challenges and policy responses, 5(2005), 137-152. New York/Geneva: United Nations 

» NEW! » Pitkänen & Kouki - Meeting foreign cultures

Pirkko Pitkänen & Satu Kouki (2002) Meeting foreign cultures: A survey of the attitudes of Finnish authorities towards immigrants and immigration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28:1, 103-118, DOI: 10.1080/13691830120103958

» NEW! » Rapoport, Sardoschau & Silve - Migration and Cultural Change

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» NEW! » Sakamoto, Wei & Truong - How Do Organizations and Social Policies ‘Acculturate’ to Immigrants?

Sakamoto, I., Wei, Y. and Truong, L. (2008), How Do Organizations and Social Policies ‘Acculturate’ to Immigrants? Accommodating Skilled Immigrants in Canada. American Journal of Community Psychology, 42: 343-354.

» NEW! » Tawat - Danish and Swedish immigrants’ cultural policies between 1960 and 2006

Tawat, M. (2014). Danish and Swedish immigrants’ cultural policies between 1960 and 2006: Toleration and the celebration of difference. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 20(2), 202-220. DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2012.743530

» NEW! » Wodak - Us’ and ‘them’

Wodak, R. (2008). ‘Us’ and ‘them’: Inclusion and exclusion–Discrimination via discourse. In  Gerard Delanty, Ruth Wodak, and Paul Jones (eds.) Identity, belonging and migration, 54-77. Liverpool.

» NEW! » Belfiore - Whose cultural value?

Belfiore, E. (2020). Whose cultural value? Representation, power and creative industries. International journal of cultural policy, 26(3), 383-397.

» NEW! » Dubois - Cultural Policy Regimes in Western Europe

Dubois, V. (2015). Cultural policy regimes in Western Europe. In James D. Wright (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition), Elsevier, 2015, Pages 460-465, ISBN 9780080970875,

» NEW! » Cento Bull et al - War museums as agonistic spaces

Cento Bull, A., Hansen, H. L., Kansteiner, W., & Parish, N. (2019). War museums as agonistic spaces: possibilities, opportunities and constraints. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 25(6), 611-625.

» NEW! » Belfiore & Gibson (eds) - Histories of Cultural Participation, Values and Governance

Eleonora Belfiore and Lisanne Gibson (eds.) (2019) Histories of Cultural Participation, Values and Governance. Palgrave Macmillan London. ISBN978-1-137-55027-9; 978-1-137-55026-2; 978-1-349-71541-1

» NEW! » Rushton - The Moral Foundations of Public Funding for the Arts

Rushton, M. (2023). The Moral Foundations of Public Funding for the Arts. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. ISBN978-3-031-35105-1

» NEW! » Durrer et al. (eds.) - Cultural Policy is Local

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» NEW! » Woddis - Acting on Cultural Policy

Jane Woddis. (2023). Acting on Cultural Policy: Arts Practitioners, Policy-Making and Civil Society. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. ISBN 978-3-031-11161-7

» NEW! » Lindqvist - Cultural and Creative Industries Policymaking

Katja Lindqvist. (2024). Cultural and Creative Industries Policymaking: Sweden in the European Context. Palgrave Macmillan Cham.  ISBN 978-3-031-48093-5

» NEW! » Landau - Agonistic Articulations in the 'Creative' City

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» NEW! » Landau - Agonistic failures

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» NEW! » Mouffe - Art and democracy: art as an agonistic intervention in public space

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» NEW! » Mouffe - Agonistics

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» NEW! » Ennis & Douglass - Culture and Regeneration

Nick Ennis and Gordon Douglass (2011), Culture and regeneration – What evidence is there of a link and how can it be measured?, Greater London Authority, Working Paper 48

» NEW! » Evans & Shaw - The Contribution of Culture to Regeneration in the UK

EVANS, G. L. and SHAW, P. (2004) A review of evidence on the role of culture in regeneration. London: Department for Culture Media and Sport (

» NEW! » Tunalı (ed.) - Art and Gentrification in the Changing Neoliberal Landscape

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» NEW! » Clay - Neighborhood Revitalization

Clay, P. (1980). Neighborhood Revitalization; The Experience and the Promise. In: C. Hartman (ed.) Housing Urban America. Routledge. ISBN 9780203789711

» NEW! » Grodach, Foster & Murdoch - Gentrification, displacement and the arts

Grodach, C., Foster, N., & Murdoch, J. (2018). Gentrification, displacement and the arts: Untangling the relationship between arts industries and place change. Urban Studies, 55(4), 807-825.

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Foster, N., Grodach, C. and Murdoch, J., III (2016), Neighborhood Diversity, Economic Health, and the Role of yhe Arts. Journal of Urban Affairs, 38: 623-642.

» NEW! » Zukin - Loft Living

Zukin. S. (2014) Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change. Rutgers University Press. ISBN 9780813570976

» NEW! » Zukin & Braslow - The life cycle of New York’s creative districts

Zukin, S. and Braslow, L. (2011). The life cycle of New York’s creative districts: Reflections on the unanticipated consequences of unplanned cultural zones. City, Culture and Society, 2(3): 131-140. 

» NEW! » Antonsich - Interculturalism versus multiculturalism

Antonsich, M. (2016).  Interculturalism versus multiculturalism – The Cantle-Modood debate. Ethnicities, 16(3): 470–493.

» NEW! » Nasar & Modood - How does Interculturalism Contrast with Multiculturalism?

Nasar, M. & Modood, T. (2012). How does Interculturalism Contrast with Multiculturalism? Journal of Intercultural Studies, 33(2), 175-196.

» NEW! » Delfín - Opening up cultural governance

Delfín, M. (2022). Opening up cultural governance through civil society participation. In: Re|shaping Policies for Creativity: Addressing Culture as a Global Public Good (pp. 117–137). Paris: UNESCO.

» NEW! » Vidović - Do It Together

Vidović, D. (ed.) (2018). Do it Together. Practices and Tendencies of Participatory Governance in Culture in the Republic of Croatia. Zagreb: Kultura Nova Foundation. ISBN  978-953-8224-00-3

» NEW! » Arnstein - A Ladder of Citizen Participation

Arnstein, S. P. (1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Planning Association 35 (4): 216-224.

» NEW! » Wilcox - The Guide to Effective Participation

Wilcox, D. (1994). The Guide to Effective Participation. Brighton: Delta Press.

» NEW! » Mäkinen - Scales of participation and multi-scalar citizenship

Mäkinen, K. (2021). Scales of participation and multi-scalar citizenship in EU participatory governance. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 39 (5): 1011–1029.

» NEW! » Rindzevičiūtė - AI, a wicked problem for cultural policy?

Eglė Rindzevičiūtė (2022) AI, a wicked problem for cultural policy? Pre-empting controversy and the crisis of cultural participation, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 28:7, 829-844, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2022.2137151 


Digital Culture


AI and Cultural Policy

» NEW! » Cvetičanin et al. - Cultural Practices and Socio-Digital Inequalities in Europe

Cvetičanin, P., Pereira, L. P., Petrić, M., Tomić-Koludrović, I., Lebaron, F., & Zdravković, Ž. (2024). Cultural Practices and Socio-Digital Inequalities in Europe: Towards a Unified Research Framework in Cultural Participation Studies. Cultural Sociology.