European inventory of
societal values of culture

Sharp, Pollock & Paddison - Just art for a just city

Sharp, J., Pollock, V., & Paddison, R. (2020). Just art for a just city: Public art and social inclusion in urban regeneration. In Paddison, R., & Miles, S. (Eds.), Culture-Led Urban Regeneration (pp. 156-178). Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 9780415568524

This chapter discusses the use of public art to foster social inclusion in the city. In contexts where exclusion results from authoritarian imposition, public art can contribute to political backlash and a desire to de-commemorate the oppressive rule, particularly when celebrating imperial control. These uncertainties are replicated in debates on the role of public art in urban regeneration. Indeed, in the case of public art, doubts surround the contribution it might make to urban economic growth and social inclusion. The chapter examines examples of inclusive public art interventions aimed at creating a sense of belonging and community. However, attention also shifts to instances where cultural dominance has led to resistance against certain forms of public art. For its advocates, there is an overall sense of the significant role that public art can play in culture-led urban regeneration, the economic realm, and culture and community.

Sharp, Pollock & Paddison “Just art for a just city: Public art and social inclusion in urban regeneration”

Sharp, Pollock & Paddison “Just art for a just city: Public art and social inclusion in urban regeneration”