European inventory of
societal values of culture

Cultural Statistics 2007

Eurostat (2007) Cultural statistics — 2007 edition. ISBN: 978-92-79-05547-8

The aim of this pocketbook is to set out the main cultural statistics comparable at European level. Selected tables and graphs describe different areas of the cultural field for the 27 EU Member States, the candidate countries and the EFTA countries: cultural heritage, cultural employment, enterprises in certain cultural sectors - publishing, architectural activities and cinema, external trade in cultural goods, households cultural expenditure, cultural participation and time spent on cultural activities. The book, which is the first of its kind, is intentionally modest in scope and does not claim to be exhaustive. A short commentary on the data and methodological notes complete this initial snapshot of cultural statistics, mainly based on the findings of existing harmonised surveys and former work carried out within the European Statistical System.

Cultural statistics — 2007 edition