Indicators for the measurement of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
Portolés, J.B. (2020) Indicators for the measurement of culture’s contribution to sustainable development. In Véronique Guèvremont et Diane Saint-Pierre (eds) Les 10 ans de la Convention sur la diversité des expressions culturelles (UNESCO 2005-2015). Réflexions et témoignages. Québec / Buenos Aires.
This paper discusses the current context and challenges with regard to the design and use of indicators to measure the place of culture in sustainable development, particularly in the framework of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005) and the preparation and approval of the United Nations’ post-2015 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It examines several global and regional initiatives in this field, and explores the motivation to improve existing knowledge in this area, the challenges encountered and opportunities that can facilitate further progress.
Indicators for the measurement of culture’s contribution to sustainable development