European inventory of
societal values of culture

Myrczik - Trampoline House: A space of becoming

Myrczik, E. (2023) Trampoline House: A space of becoming. INVENT Case Study.

This case highlights a community centre that operates at the intersection of artistic and social practice. Since 2009, the  Trampoline House  in Copenhagen has been working with and advocating for asylum seekers and refugees in Denmark and internationally. The project’s practice is spanning across many different spaces and actors. In the following case description, we will focus on three aspects  concerning  its main characteristics. Multi-platform; Artistic practice with a social impact; Participatory, emancipatory, democratic, inclusive. This study further explores the role of (public) funding and the lack thereof for a cultural centre that combines artistic and social practice. Trampoline House exemplifies an understanding of culture in the broadest and most inclusive sense: being together, cooking, creating art,  negotiating a  so-called  “culture of democracy”, while  at the same time contributing to established art exhibitions such as documenta fifteen.


Trampoline House: A space of becoming

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