European inventory of
societal values of culture

Measuring the economic and social impact of the arts

Reeves, M. (2002) Measuring the economic and social impact of the arts: a review. Arts Council of England. ISBN 0-7287-0873-6

The objectives of the Review are to: collate and review existing research on the economic and social impact of the arts; share understanding of methodologies and measures used for assessing the impact of arts projects, facilities and programmes, as well as the creative industries; assess the comprehensiveness and quality of the existing evidence base; inform the future agenda for impact research within the sector, and support; evidence-based policy making by the Arts Council; identify key research needs to help improve the robustness of research; methods and evidence demonstrating the contribution of arts and culture; to the social and economic objectives of national and local government, and other key partners; provide a practical resource to assist those working in the field.

Measuring the economic and social impact of the arts: a review