European inventory of
societal values of culture

Lähdesmäki - Rhetoric of unity and cultural diversity in the making of European cultural identity

Lähdesmäki, T. (2012). Rhetoric of unity and cultural diversity in the making of European cultural identity. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18(1); 59–75.

This article analyses how European cultural identity is constructed in the cultural policy of the European Union. The article employs a discursive approach to explore how language and meaning-making processes shape the concept of European cultural identity. It examines how the rhetoric of unity and diversity is employed in the EU's documents and promotional materials, revealing the power dynamics and hierarchies associated with language use. The concept of cultural heritage is also examined as a marker of cultural unity and diversity in Europe. The analysis considers a range of textual and visual materials, including official EU documents, application books, and promotional brochures. These materials reflect the ideological rhetoric underlying the EU's cultural policy.



Tuuli Lähdesmäki “Rhetoric of unity and cultural diversity in the making of European cultural identity”