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» NEW! » Karcher - Sociopolitical Oppression, Trauma, and Healing

Owen Paul Karcher (2017) Sociopolitical Oppression, Trauma, and Healing: Moving Toward a Social Justice Art Therapy Framework, Art Therapy, 34:3, 123-128, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2017.1358024

Art therapists hold a unique position to facilitate healing during a time of intense sociopolitical trauma. The current U.S. political climate is causing harm to marginalized groups, which necessitates an intentional exploration of how art therapists hold and wield power and privilege and how this can affect client outcomes. In this article, I offer an expanded definition of trauma as it relates to social and political oppression, and examine the privileges and assumptions I hold as a therapist. I provide case examples from my clinical practice of client responses to political and societal trauma, ending with suggestions for critical self-reflection for art therapists invested in a social justice framework.

Owen Paul Karcher – Sociopolitical Oppression, Trauma, and Healing: Moving Toward a Social Justice Art Therapy Framework