European inventory of
societal values of culture

Peterson & Kern - Changing highbrow taste: From snob to omnivor

Peterson, R. A., & Kern, R. (1996). Changing highbrow taste: From snob to omnivore, American Sociological Review, 61(5), 900–907.

This classic article explores major shifts in cultural consumption patterns. While highbrow taste has traditionally been associated with exclusive and narrow ‘snobbish’ patterns, the authors claim that contemporary societies are witnessing a transformation whereby consuming a wide range of cultural products starts to become distinctive, which in turn weakens traditional hierarchies between highbrow and lowbrow culture. This change is attributed to factors such as the increase and diversification of cultural products and globalisation. The authors suggest that this scenario leads to a decrease in cultural elitism and a growing appreciation of openness and tolerance.

Peterson & Kern “Changing highbrow taste: From snob to omnivore”