European inventory of
societal values of culture

Klaić - Cultural policies and institutions facing the challenge of multicultural societies

Klaić, D. (2006) Cultural policies and institutions facing the challenge of multicultural societies. In Bodo, S. and Cifarelli, M.R. (eds) Quando la cultura fa la diferenza. Patrimonio, arti e media nella societa multiculturale, (90-102). Roma: Meltemi.

What do the terms 'multiculturalism' and 'interculturalism' mean, and how do they influence the formulation of policies in support of cultural diversity? How far can a society go in embracing difference, without losing a sense of national coherence? What democratic legitimacy do public cultural institutions enjoy if they are unable to guarantee fair conditions of access and participation? What function and what responsibilities do administrators and policy makers, institutions and cultural operators, individuals and groups at the local community level have in this process? Essays collected in Quando la cultura fa la diferenza try to answer these and other questions.

Dragan Klaić “Cultural policies and institutions facing the challenge of multicultural societies”