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» NEW! » Lowe - Creating Community: Art for Community Development

Lowe, S. S. (2000). Creating Community: Art for Community Development. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 29(3), 357-386.

This study examines the relationship between community art and community development. Using data gathered from community-art projects in two Denver neighborhoods, the study describes the community-art process as a ritualistic setting for social interaction and documents the construction of neighborhood community. The author identifies the emergence of the social bonds of solidarity and collective identity that occurred as a result of bringing neighborhood residents together, providing a shared goal, and setting a common mood for the purpose of designing a community symbol. Drawing from traditional models of community, the author concludes that it is possible to generate gemeinschaft in settings where gesellschaft prevails by using community art as a tool for transforming a social realm. The author uncovers the unique characteristics of the community-art ritual that contribute to its effectiveness at building community and also discusses several policy implications for using community art to address social issues.

Seana S. Lowe – Creating Community: Art for Community Development