European inventory of
societal values of culture

Hall - The local and the global

Hall, S. (1997). The local and the global: Globalization and ethnicity. In King, A. D. (Ed.), Culture, Globalization, and the World-System: Contemporary Conditions for the Representation of Identity (pp. 19–40). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Hall's much-cited essay on the relationship between the local and the global in globalisation processes is part of a collection based on a set of talks held at the State University of New York at Binghamton in 1989. Although the volume within which this essay has been published is still worthwhile reading, Hall’s contributions to it (the collection also includes an essay on ‘Old and New Identities, Old and New Ethnicities) have proved to be relevant to this day. Already at the outset of globalisation as we know it today, these essays captured its emerging paradoxes, complicating the simplified, unilinear depictions of the consequences of global transnational restructuration.

Stuart Hall “The local and the global: Globalization and ethnicity”