European inventory of
societal values of culture

Bonet & Négrier - The end (s) of national cultures?

Bonet, L., & Négrier, E. (2011). The end (s) of national cultures? Cultural policy in the face of diversity. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17(5): 574–589.

This paper investigates the influence of cultural diversity on cultural policies by examining various case studies and reflections from an international perspective. Cultural diversity is often seen as a threat to national cultures, but the paper argues two main points. First, there are significant national differences in how diversity is perceived and incorporated as a policy framework. Second, cultural diversity can serve as a tool for reshaping cultural policies, regardless of the level of government involved. The authors explore the existence and nature of cultural policies that embrace diversity. They also analyse the practical implications of a new paradigm in terms of redefining and implementing cultural policies within the context of diverse territorial configurations, multiple levels of understanding, and the economic aspects of cultural diversity.



Bonet & Négrier “The end (s) of national cultures? Cultural policy in the face of diversity”