European inventory of
societal values of culture

Hazut Yanuka - Diversity in cultural leadership in the policy of Arts Council England

Hazut Yanuka, Y. (2023). Diversity in cultural leadership in the policy of Arts Council England

In the following case study, we explore diversity in cultural leadership in the policy of Arts Council England and examine the views of both ACE and the media on the leadership component of ACE’s diversity strategy. We focus on two timeframes that occurred within a period of political and social instability and ideological fractures in Britain, following the Brexit referendum of June 23, 2016. ACE’s actions in those years occurred in the context of economic and socio-political instability reflected in a relative lack of trust in state institutions and their leadership, as evidenced by newspaper articles cited here. Official reports, documents, and news media from The Guardian and the Daily Mail are analysed to show that the emancipatory potential of diversity in cultural leadership has not been realised, ACE’s moral legitimacy has declined over the years, and trust in ACE’s strategy has declined as well.

Hazut Yanuka - Diversity in cultural leadership in the policy of Arts Council England