European inventory of
societal values of culture


» NEW! » Kędzierska-Szczepaniak - Crowdfunding – innovative financing of cultural ventures by society

Angelika Kędzierska-Szczepaniak (2021) Crowdfunding – innovative financing of cultural ventures by society, Procedia Computer Science, 192: 4348-4357.

The cultural sector is very important for our history and identity. However, maintenance of cultural and historical facilities is often associated with high costs. The public sources are very often not sufficient for all the needs. The chance for finding new sources for cultural projects are crowdfunding platforms. The crowdfunding has developed rapidly over the last 15 years. It can be the best way to support financing to cultural units, considering the insufficient funds allocated to culture in almost all the countries. If the crowdfunding campaign is successful it can be recognized as a market signal about the creditworthiness for investors and traditional lenders. This article presents the results of research aimed at examining the availability and use of crowdfunding – the innovative source of financing of cultural projects. The research methods used in the article are an observational method and a method of individual cases as well as the rational reasoning on the basis of achieved results.

Angelika Kędzierska-Szczepaniak – Crowdfunding – innovative financing of cultural ventures by society