European inventory of
societal values of culture

Charlton et al. - Barriers to participation

Charlton, A., Potter, M., McGinigal, S., Romanou, E., Slade, Z. & Hewitson, B. (2010). Barriers to participation: Analysis to inform the development of the 2010/11 Taking Part Survey. Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

This report outlines the findings and process of developing a new set of barriers to participation questions to include in DCMS’ Taking Part Survey. The recommended questionnaire was developed and tested by BMRB Social Research (now TNS-BMRB) between February and October 2009. The key objective of the project was to develop a set of questions which attempted to draw out practical, cultural, social and psychological reasons for non-participation in DCMS-related activities using a quantitative questionnaire. The Taking Part survey covers arts attendance, arts participation, libraries, museums and galleries, archives, heritage sites and sports participation.

Charlton et al. “Barriers to participation: Analysis to inform the development of the 2010/11 Taking Part Survey”