European inventory of
societal values of culture

Ahmed & Veronis - Creating in-between spaces through diasporic and mainstream media consumption

Ahmed, R., & Veronis, L. (2020). Creating in-between spaces through diasporic and mainstream media consumption: A comparison of four ethnocultural and immigrant communities in Ottawa, Canada. International Communication Gazette, 82(3): 289-315.

Media provide essential information that can help migrants settle, build local community, and maintain transnational linkages. In this study, the authors extend the existing literature by undertaking a unique comparative project examining the role of both diasporic and mainstream media – including print (newspapers) and broadcast (TV and radio) – in meeting the information needs of four ethnocultural and immigrant communities in Ottawa, Canada. Their analysis of survey findings shows significant variations across the four communities in their consumption of print and broadcast diasporic and mainstream media based on immigration category, time spent in Canada, and level of official language (English and French) proficiency. Adopting a uses and gratifications theoretical lens, they argue that participants embrace a more holistic approach to media use, which affords them benefits from both kinds of media resources by creating in-between spaces for participation in host societies and transnational communities.

Ahmed & Veronis “Creating in-between spaces through diasporic and mainstream media consumption: A comparison of four ethnocultural and immigrant communities in Ottawa, Canada”