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» NEW! » Lee - Intercultural dialogue in theory and practice: a review

 Ee Lin Lee (2016) Intercultural dialogue in theory and practice: a review, Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 11:2, 236-242, DOI: 10.1080/17447143.2016.1156686 

The first decade and a half of the twenty-first century has proven very volatile for global peace and security as evidenced by numerous international and local conflicts. Increasing acts of terror, decades-long conflicts, war crimes, unresolved human rights issues, and similarly horrible crimes by humans against fellow humans demonstrate the challenges and perils of living in a multicultural world. These challenges make attempts to manage intercultural conflicts, from the macro-international to micro-interpersonal levels, seem futile. However, in recent years many political leaders, nongovernmental organizations, and academics have recognized that such intercultural conflicts pose a threat not just to humans, but also to all life on earth because of the associated damage to earth's sustaining systems.

Ee Lin Lee – Intercultural dialogue in theory and practice: a review