Della Porta & Diani - Social Movements
Della Porta, D., & Diani, M. (2020). Social Movements. An Introduction. Third edition. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-119-16765-5
Della Porta and Diani’s book is an introductory textbook on social movements and collective action. Now in its third edition, it is the market-leading introductory text on its topic. The book covers a broad range of topics related to social movements. It is positioned at the intersection of sociology and political science but draws from across the social sciences to address central debates and concepts in the field. The book is written in a reader-friendly way and offers both theory-driven and empirical chapters. The third, thoroughly updated, edition offers discussions of recent social movements against austerity, new empirical examples, and references to recent episodes of contention, as well as an expanded comparative approach to social movement theory in the scientific literature.
Della Porta & Diani “Social Movements. An Introduction”