European inventory of
societal values of culture


» NEW! » Kennedy & Roudometof - Communities Across Borders

Kennedy, P., & Roudometof, V. (Eds.). (2002). Communities Across Borders: New Immigrants and Transnational Cultures. Routledge.

Communities across Borders examines the many ways in which national, ethnic or religious groups, professions, businesses and cultures are becoming increasingly tangled together.

It shows how this entanglement is the result of the vast flows of people, meanings, goods and money that now migrate between countries and world regions. Now the effectiveness and significance of electronic technologies for interpersonal communication (including cyber-communities and the interconnectedness of the global world economy) simultaneously empowers even the poorest people to forge effective cultures stretching national borders, and compels many to do so to escape injustice and deprivation. 

Paul Kennedy and Victor Roudometof – Communities Across Borders: New Immigrants and Transnational Cultures