European inventory of
societal values of culture

Fer & Baarsma - Rockonomics revisited

Fer, A., & Baarsma, B. (2016). Rockonomics revisited: The rise of music streaming services and the effect on the concert industry. International Journal of Music Business Research, 5(1), 7-35.

According to Krueger (2005), the main reason concert ticket prices for popular music showed a sharp increase between 1996 and 2003 was that artists felt less constrained from increasing prices due to the erosion of the complementary relationship with album sales. This paper continues his analysis in a more current context by focusing on how the rise of music streaming services has influenced concert ticket prices and revenues, while also providing a brief analysis of the effects of the economic crisis.


Fer & Baarsma “Rockonomics revisited: The rise of music streaming services and the effect on the concert industry”