Cultural Openness and Tolerance
Heikkilä, R, Karels, A. & C. Arroyo (2023, September). Cultural Openness and Tolerance – INVENT Culture
A key societal value of culture is its ability to connect people. But cultures also differ among themselves and are sometimes opposed regarding some central features, such as fundamental beliefs, relevant symbols, and historical and collective memory. Cultures can differ in a number of other variable elements, including languages and linguistic variations. These differences create distances and sometimes real obstacles to communication and shared identity.
ExploreImmigrant cultures refer to the diverse customs, traditions, languages, and practices immigrants bring when they settle in a new country or region. The heritage, history, and values of the immigrants' home countries may impact the host country's culture. Immigrants often bring their unique cultural identities and perspectives, contributing to the cultural tapestry of their adopted home. To what extent immigrant and host cultures will become intertwined depends on the government's cultural and social policies.
ExploreThe existence of democratic institutions does not imply the absence of antagonisms in the political field. On the contrary, conflicts are better regulated when they are institutionalised at different levels through various channels, such as the electoral arena.
ExploreHeikkilä, R, Karels, A. & C. Arroyo (2023, September). Cultural Openness and Tolerance – INVENT Culture
Arroyo, C. & S. Albertí (May 2023). INVENT conference Barcelona
Karels, A., Holla, S. & C. Arroyo (2023, September). Culture Below The Surface: The Cultural Iceberg Analogy – INVENT Culture
Cvetičanin, P., M. Petrić & I. Tomić Koludrović (2023). Towards a social turn in cultural policy: A policymaker’s guidebook. INVENT publication.
Janssen, S., (Ed.) (2021). INVENT Newsletter I.
Holla, S., Karels, A., & Janssen, S. (Eds.). (2022). INVENT Newsletter II.
Karels, A., Janssen, S., & Holla, S. (Eds.). (2023). INVENT Newsletter III.
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The Integration of Migrants and Refugees: CULTURAL INTEGRATION | Ruth Wodak. 2016
Immigrants & New Cultures: Katharina Lefringhausen. 2013
Are Immigrants Stealing Your Culture? | Sulin Sardoschau. 2019
Council of Europe - Intercultural cities – how can migration and diversity work for cities. 2016
Chantal Mouffe: Critical Artistic Practices as Counter-Hegemonic Interventions. 2013
Social Policy. A Critical and Intersectional Analysis. 2021
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