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» NEW! » Are Immigrants Stealing Your Culture? | Sulin Sardoschau

Are Immigrants Stealing Your Culture? | Sulin Sardoschau. 2019

Who has ever thought about what emigration does to sending countries, instead of what immigration does to host countries? We often forget migration is a bilateral exchange between two cultures. At TEDxHeidelberg Sulin shared an unheard perspective on migration and challenged all of us! Sulin is an economist, researcher and migration adept.
After graduating from the Paris School of Economics, she worked as a researcher at the Department of Economics at Harvard University in 2015/16. Currently, she is working at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Are Immigrants Stealing Your Culture? | Sulin Sardoschau