Cultural Statistics 2007
Eurostat (2007) Cultural statistics — 2007 edition. ISBN: 978-92-79-05547-8
Creativity is an important aspect of cultural development, and cultural policies have a crucial role in nurturing and encouraging creativity in various forms. It is important to note that measuring creativity can be difficult due to the subjective and intangible nature of human expression. However, various methods and approaches have been utilised by researchers and practitioners to evaluate creativity in this field.
Continue reading ...Eurostat (2007) Cultural statistics — 2007 edition. ISBN: 978-92-79-05547-8
Eurostat (2011) Cultural statistics — 2011 edition. ISBN: 978-92-79-16396-8
Eurostat (2016) Culture statistics — 2016 edition. ISBN: 978-92-79-52215-4
Eurostat (2019) Culture statistics — 2019 edition. ISBN: 978-92-76-09702-0
Eurostat (2018) Guide to Eurostat culture statistics — 2018 edition. ISBN: 978-92-79-97216-4
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López Sintas, J. (2023). The unanticipated consequences of the “Miró Law” and its negative impact on the Spanish film industry
Pereira, L.P., Chymisz, M. & P. Brumen (2023). Les Machines de l’Île de Nantes. From the workshop of the craftsman and the artist to the event in the city
Pereira, L.P. (2023). L’Échonova: Music as a strategy for the dynamisation of cultural and associative life
Petrović, V. (2023). Forty years of alternative culture in Zurich: The case of the Red Factory