European inventory of
societal values of culture


Audience diversity refers to audiences from various backgrounds, including race, ethnic origin, geographic location, age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and abilities.

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Bennett - Differing diversities

Bennett, T. (2001). Differing diversities: Transversal study on the theme of cultural policy and cultural diversity. Council of Europe. ISBN 92-871-4649-7

Bonet & Négrier - The end (s) of national cultures?

Bonet, L., & Négrier, E. (2011). The end (s) of national cultures? Cultural policy in the face of diversity. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 17(5): 574–589.

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Delanty, G. (2011). Cultural diversity, democracy and the prospects of cosmopolitanism: A theory of cultural encounters. The British Journal of Sociology, 62(4): 633–656.

Lähdesmäki - Rhetoric of unity and cultural diversity in the making of European cultural identity

Lähdesmäki, T. (2012). Rhetoric of unity and cultural diversity in the making of European cultural identity. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18(1); 59–75.

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Vertovec, S. (2010). Towards post‐multiculturalism? Changing communities, conditions and contexts of diversity. International Social Science Journal, 61(199): 83–95.

Lind - Race/Gender/Class/Media

Lind, R.A. (2023) Race/Gender/Class/Media:Considering Diversity Across Audiences, Content, and Producers. Routledge. ISBN 9781032042114

Mandel - Can Audience Development Promote Social Diversity in German Public Arts Institutions?

Mandel, B.R. (2019) Can Audience Development Promote Social Diversity in German Public Arts Institutions? The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society, 49 (2): 121-135.

Bakhshi & Throsby - New technologies in cultural institutions

Bakhshi, H. & Throsby, D. (2012) New technologies in cultural institutions: theory, evidence and policy implications. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 18 (2): 205-222.

Lindelof - Audience development and its blind spot

Lindelof, A.M. (2015) Audience development and its blind spot: a quest for pleasure and play in the discussion of performing arts institutions. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21 (2): 200-218.

Alnasser & Yi - Strategies applied by different arts and cultural organizations for their audience development

Alnasser, N.S. & Yi, L.J. (2023) Strategies applied by different arts and cultural organizations for their audience development: A comparative review. Heliyon, 9 (5): e15835

Ayala, Cuenca-Amigo & Cuenca - Examining the state of the art of audience development in museums and heritage organisations

Ayala, I., Cuenca-Amigo, M. & Cuenca, J. (2020) Examining the state of the art of audience development in museums and heritage organisations: a Systematic Literature review. Museum Management and Curatorship, 35 (3): 306-327.

Fisher, Kuratko, Bloodgood & Hornsby - Legitimate to whom?

Fisher, G., Kuratko, D.F., Bloodgood, J.M. & Hornsby, J.S. (2017) Legitimate to whom? The challenge of audience diversity and new venture legitimacy. Journal of Business Venturing, 32 (1): 52-71.

Audience Diversity in the Performing Arts and the Post-pandemic Landscape

Audience Diversity in the Performing Arts and the Post-pandemic Landscape

Collecting diversity data for audiences and professionals in the CH sector

Collecting diversity data for audiences and professionals in the CH sector

Hadley - Audience Development and Cultural Policy

Hadley, S. (2021). Audience Development and Cultural Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN: 978-3-030-62969-4

Shi, Lim & Suh - Innovation or deviation?

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Psychogiopoulou - Cultural Governance and the European Union

Psychogiopoulou, E. (Ed.) (2015). Cultural Governance and the European Union: Protecting and Promoting Cultural Diversity in Europe. London: Palgrave MacMillan

Diversity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector

Astor, A., Holla, S. & C. Arroyo (2023, September). Diversity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector – INVENT Culture

Cultural Openness and Tolerance

Heikkilä, R,  Karels, A. & C. Arroyo (2023, September). Cultural Openness and Tolerance – INVENT Culture

Culture Below The Surface: The Cultural Iceberg Analogy

Karels, A., Holla, S. & C. Arroyo  (2023, September). Culture Below The Surface: The Cultural Iceberg Analogy – INVENT Culture

Cvetičanin, Petrić & Koludrović - Towards a social turn in cultural policy: A policymaker’s guidebook

Cvetičanin, P.,  M. Petrić & I. Tomić Koludrović (2023). Towards a social turn in cultural policy: A policymaker’s guidebook. INVENT publication.

Walo – Diversity and inclusion at the theatre: Reflections on the debate in Zürich

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