Jeffers & Moriarty - Culture, Democracy and the Right to Make Art
Jeffers, A., & Moriarty, G. (Eds.) (2017). Culture, Democracy and the Right to Make Art. The British Community Arts Movement. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781474258357
The realm of culture has always been connected to different social issues. However, since the French Revolution, it became clear that culture was a fundamental part of the social order, its reproduction, and its transformation. By refusing large aspects of aristocratic culture, the French revolutionaries continued the work of the Enlightenment, considering that art and cultural activities were key components of a change in society towards freedom and democracy.
Continue reading ...Jeffers, A., & Moriarty, G. (Eds.) (2017). Culture, Democracy and the Right to Make Art. The British Community Arts Movement. London: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9781474258357
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Eleanor Belfiore, Graham Jeffery, Claire Webster-Saaremets - Socially Engaged Arts & Cultural Labour
François Matarasso - Building Capabilities: Art, Human Rights and Social Change
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