European inventory of
societal values of culture


Participatory governance, as a means of sharing authority, rights and responsibilities in establishing and maintaining culture, has become a very popular concept in dis¬cussions on cultural development in the 21st century.

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Fischer Participatory governance as deliberative empowerment

Fischer, F. (2006) Participatory governance as deliberative empowerment: The cultural politics of discursive space. The American review of public administration, 36(1): 19-40.

Jancovich - Great art for everyone?

Jancovich, L. (2011). Great art for everyone? Engagement and participation policy in the arts. Cultural Trends, 20(3-4): 271-279.

Campagna - Participatory Governance and Cultural Development

Campagna, D. (2022). Participatory Governance and Cultural Development: An Empirical Analysis of European Capitals of Culture. Palgrave Macmillan Cham. EISBN 978-3-030-81648-3; ISBN 978-3-030-81647-6  

Carpentier - Media and participation

Carpentier, N. (2011). Media and participation: A site of ideological-democratic struggle. Bristol, UK, Chicago: Intellect. ISBN 9781841505244

Cooke & Kothari - Participation: The new tyranny?

Cooke, B., & Kothari, U. (2001). Participation: The new tyranny? London: Zed Books. ISBN 1-85649-794-1

Karels & Janssen - CityLab010

Karels, A. & Janssen, S. (2023). CityLab010: Investigating the inclusive, participatory, and democratic nature of a citizen initiative platform. INVENT Case Study.

Cvetičanin, Petrić & Koludrović - Towards a social turn in cultural policy: A policymaker’s guidebook

Cvetičanin, P.,  M. Petrić & I. Tomić Koludrović (2023). Towards a social turn in cultural policy: A policymaker’s guidebook. INVENT publication.

INVENT Policy Brief I

Janssen, S., Katz-Gerro, T., Rössel, J., Cvetičanin, P.  & M. Verboord (2021). INVENT Policy Brief I. 16 pages.

Tomka – Spaces for culture at urban peripheries: The case of culture stations and Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022

Tomka, G. (2023). Spaces for culture at urban peripheries: The case of culture stations and Novi Sad European Capital of Culture 2022

» NEW! » Belfiore & Gibson (eds) - Histories of Cultural Participation, Values and Governance

Eleonora Belfiore and Lisanne Gibson (eds.) (2019) Histories of Cultural Participation, Values and Governance. Palgrave Macmillan London. ISBN978-1-137-55027-9; 978-1-137-55026-2; 978-1-349-71541-1

» NEW! » Delfín - Opening up cultural governance

Delfín, M. (2022). Opening up cultural governance through civil society participation. In: Re|shaping Policies for Creativity: Addressing Culture as a Global Public Good (pp. 117–137). Paris: UNESCO.

» NEW! » Vidović - Do It Together

Vidović, D. (ed.) (2018). Do it Together. Practices and Tendencies of Participatory Governance in Culture in the Republic of Croatia. Zagreb: Kultura Nova Foundation. ISBN  978-953-8224-00-3

» NEW! » Arnstein - A Ladder of Citizen Participation

Arnstein, S. P. (1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation. Journal of the American Planning Association 35 (4): 216-224.

» NEW! » Wilcox - The Guide to Effective Participation

Wilcox, D. (1994). The Guide to Effective Participation. Brighton: Delta Press.

» NEW! » Mäkinen - Scales of participation and multi-scalar citizenship

Mäkinen, K. (2021). Scales of participation and multi-scalar citizenship in EU participatory governance. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 39 (5): 1011–1029.