European inventory of
societal values of culture

EQUAL PAY (pay gaps, unequal labour)

‘Equal pay’ has become a classical issue in the discussions on the need for a more social Europe. These discussions centre on the reduction of pay gaps between men and women but also relate to the issue of unpaid labour in some sectors of activity, including creative industries and culture.

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Arabadjieva & Kotsoni - Mind the Gap

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Shaughnessy et al. - Cultivating progressive development in the cultural industries

Shaughnessy, C., Perkins, R., Spiro, N., Waddell, G., & Williamon, A. (2023). Cultivating progressive development in the cultural industries: challenges and support needs identified by the creative workforce in the United Kingdom. Cultural Trends.

Betzler et al. - COVID-19 and the arts and cultural sectors: investigating countries’ contextual factors and early policy measures

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Neil - Culture and Working Conditions for Artists

Neil, G. (2019). Culture and Working Conditions for Artists. Implementing the 1980 Recommendation Concerning the Status of the Artist. Paris: UNESCO.

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Banks - Creative justice

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Tatli & Özbilgin - Surprising intersectionalities of inequality and privilege

Tatli, A., & Özbilgin, M. (2012). Surprising intersectionalities of inequality and privilege: the case of the arts and cultural sector. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 31(3): 249-265.

Shade & Jacobson - Hungry for the job

Shade, L. R., & Jacobson, J. (2015). Hungry for the job: gender, unpaid internships, and the creative industries. The Sociological Review, 63 (1): 188-205.

Conor, Gill & Taylor - Gender and creative labour

Conor, B., Gill, R., & Taylor, S. (Eds). (2015). Gender and Creative Labour. Sociological Review Monograph Series (Vol. 63 S1). Wiley Online Library.

Katja Praznik - Invisible Labor of Art: a Contribution toward a Labor Equity in the Arts

Katja Praznik - Invisible Labor of Art: a Contribution toward a Labor Equity in the Arts

Cvetičanin, Petrić & Koludrović - Towards a social turn in cultural policy: A policymaker’s guidebook

Cvetičanin, P.,  M. Petrić & I. Tomić Koludrović (2023). Towards a social turn in cultural policy: A policymaker’s guidebook. INVENT publication.