European inventory of
societal values of culture


The relationship between digital literacy and inequality is multifaceted and profoundly affects various aspects of modern life. In the digital age, essential services, job opportunities, educational resources, government services, health facilities, and cultural offerings are increasingly accessible online. However, individuals with strong digital literacy skills are better equipped to take advantage of these opportunities, while those lacking such skills may be left behind. The increasing digitalisation of society exacerbates the digital divide, where people with limited access to digital technologies or inadequate digital literacy face significant disadvantages.

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Leaning - An approach to digital literacy through the integration of media and information literacy

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Ytre-Arne & Moe - Folk theories of algorithms

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Medvedeva & Leshner - Moderation effects of language skills, residential tenure, and education on immigrants’ learning from news

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André Brock, Jr. Discusses African American Cybercultures on the Web

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Digital inclusion - Current challenges and future implications

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Ellen Helsper - How can we tackle digital inequalities?

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Cvetičanin, Petrić & Koludrović - Towards a social turn in cultural policy: A policymaker’s guidebook

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» NEW! » Rindzevičiūtė - AI, a wicked problem for cultural policy?

Eglė Rindzevičiūtė (2022) AI, a wicked problem for cultural policy? Pre-empting controversy and the crisis of cultural participation, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 28:7, 829-844, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2022.2137151