European inventory of
societal values of culture


Community art, also known as participatory or collaborative art, involves the creation of art projects or initiatives that actively engage and involve community members. It emphasises collective participation, collaboration, and integrating artistic practices with community development and social change.

Community art is related to community well-being in multiple ways: 

Social connection and cohesion: Community art brings people together, fostering social connections and a sense of belonging. Through collaborative artistic processes, individuals form relationships, interact, and collaborate with others in their community. These connections contribute to social cohesion, reduce isolation, and promote community well-being.

Empowerment and agency: Community art empowers individuals to voice their perspectives and actively shape their community. Involving community members in the artistic process stimulates a sense of agency, ownership, and empowerment. This active engagement bolsters individuals' self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being.

▪ Creative expression and communication: Community art provides a platform for individuals to express themselves creatively, including those who do not typically have access to traditional art spaces. Artistic expression and communication through community art can be a powerful means of self-expression, emotional release, and storytelling. It allows community members to share their experiences, perspectives, and challenges, enhancing empathy, understanding, and well-being.

Sense of place and cultural identity: Community art often explores and celebrates a community's unique qualities, heritage, and identity. It allows community members to reflect on and express their cultural traditions, histories, and values. This process strengthens a sense of place, cultural pride, and identity, contributing to one's well-being and connection to one's community.

Community development and social change: Community art projects often address social issues, challenge inequalities, and promote social change. Art initiatives inspire dialogue, problem-solving, and advocacy within a community by focusing on community needs and aspirations. These collaborative efforts toward community development and social change foster a sense of purpose, collective action, and well-being.

Accessible and inclusive engagement: Community art endeavours often prioritise accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring that diverse community members can participate. By removing barriers and providing opportunities for involvement, community art promotes inclusivity, equity, and a sense of well-being for all community members.

In short, community art contributes to well-being by promoting social connections, empowerment, creative expression, cultural identity, community development, and social change. It creates opportunities for community members to actively engage, contribute, and collectively shape their communities, thus enhancing individual and collective well-being. (SH, SJ)