European inventory of
societal values of culture


Achieving any of the social values requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach involving collaboration between various public policies and sectors. Social equality is an area where this is particularly true. These policies should address root causes, break down barriers, and create a more inclusive and just society for all.

A coordinated effort is needed in educational, economic, employment, labour, housing, healthcare, and environmental policies and in encouraging political participation and representation.

Access to quality education is crucial in breaking the cycle of poverty and promoting equal opportunities. Collaboration is necessary to ensure that students from all regions have equal access to education from early childhood to higher education. This includes improving school funding, reducing educational disparities, and providing all students access to resources and technology.

Economic policies need to focus on decreasing income inequality and creating economic opportunities for marginalised communities. Achieving this goal may require implementing progressive taxation, developing social programs targeted to specific groups, and supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs from underprivileged backgrounds.

Employment and labour policies should work towards ensuring fair wages, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and reducing workplace discrimination. Collaboration is necessary to create opportunities for marginalised groups and safeguard workers' rights.

Unemployment benefits, food assistance, and affordable childcare are all examples of social safety net programs that can be used to support vulnerable groups during times of need and reduce disparities.

Access to adequate and affordable housing is crucial for creating stable communities and equal opportunities. Government policies should prioritise addressing issues such as housing affordability, homelessness, and housing segregation to ensure that neighbourhoods are more inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

Ensuring access to affordable and high-quality healthcare is crucial for promoting social equality. Healthcare policies that foster collaboration should prioritise decreasing healthcare disparities, improving access to preventative care, and tackling the social determinants of health that contribute to inequalities.

Environmental justice is another aspect of social equality, as marginalised communities often bear a disproportionate burden of environmental pollution and climate change impacts. Collaborative efforts should prioritise environmental protection and sustainable development in vulnerable areas.

Environmental justice is another aspect of social equality, as marginalised communities often bear a disproportionate burden of environmental pollution and climate change impacts.

Finally, supporting and encouraging underrepresented groups' political participation is essential for ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making processes and policies affecting their lives.

Cultural policy instruments can also contribute to promoting social equality by creating an environment that values diversity, empowers marginalised communities, and provides equal access to cultural opportunities. Specific instruments include:

Allocating cultural funding in a way that promotes social equality and reaches a broader range of cultural projects and initiatives. Funding opportunities for smaller organisations and grassroots initiatives should be encouraged.

Helping underrepresented artists and creators, particularly those from marginalised communities, to develop their careers and access opportunities.

Encouraging cultural institutions to adopt equitable employment practices and to promote diversity on their boards, staff, and leadership teams.

The investment in cultural infrastructure in areas that lack access to adequate services or resources promotes social equality by providing cultural opportunities to all communities.

Working closely with community-based organisations representing different cultural groups to develop policies that meet their needs and aspirations.

Assuring accessibility of cultural venues and providing accessible formats for content (e.g., sign language interpretation, audio description) for people with disabilities.

It is important to regularly analyse the effects of cultural policies on equality and make necessary adjustments to strategies. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain transparency and accountability in decision-making processes. (PC, ITK)