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» NEW! » Be inspired to make the change - Socio-economic inclusion in the Creative Industries

Be inspired to make the change - Socio-economic inclusion in the Creative Industries. 2021

Attracting and retaining a wide and diverse talent pool is a must for any forward-thinking team.  Yet those from privileged backgrounds are more than twice as likely as those from working class backgrounds to land a job in a creative occupation, dominating key creative roles in the sector.  

What goes on in the creative sector plays a significant role in shaping the national conversation – representation matters. This sector knows better than any other that diversity breeds creativity. Forward thinking employers within the industry are already making socio-economic inclusion a goal in their organisations, but we know there is still much work to be done. 

Watch our discussion on the importance of socio-economic inclusion within the Creative Industries - about how you as leaders and employers can make the practical changes to make the goal - that of a diverse and inclusive creative sector - a reality.

Social Mobility Commissioner, and Editor-in-Chief at ELLE UK, Farrah Storr will chair the panel discussion, and will be joined by the following Industry insiders who through first-hand experience understand how challenging it is to access the sector and their thoughts on what practical changes are needed to ensure the creative industries become more inclusive:

- Jamie Gill, CEO ROKSANDA and Executive Board, British Fashion Council
- Della Hill, Creative Lead at Literature Wales
- Emily Jones, Senior Producer at Sage Gateshead

Be inspired to make the change - Socio-economic inclusion in the Creative Industries